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Keysight Technologies, Inc. is enabling the University of Stuttgart to conduct foundational research essential to development of new ICs for 6G technology with the new Keysight 6G Vector Component Analysis (VCA) solution.
NTT Corporation and researchers with the Tokyo Institute of Technology succeeded in achieving the world’s first wireless data transmission via beamforming in the 300 GHz band, which is expected to be utilized in the realization of 6G communications.
China’s authorities allocated spectrum in the 6 GHz frequency band for 5G and 6G services, asserting it was the first country to reserve the resource expected by the mobile industry to enable future connectivity.
Built on the Keysight PNA-X Vector Component Analyzer solution, the demonstration characterizes a Nokia PA developed for use in 6G D-Band wireless communications systems and designed to operate with a low EVM.
In a recent demonstration, IEMN reached a milestone of achieving a 300 GHz bidirectional link over an outdoor distance of 645 m using the R&S SMA100B microwave signal generator from Rohde & Schwarz.
Keysight, in collaboration with National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the University of Surrey, has made the first 6G connection at speeds greater than 100 Gbps over sub-THz frequencies in the U.K.
ATIS’ Next G Alliance announced publication of two new reports, “Sustainable 6G Connectivity — A Powerful Means of Doing Good” and “AI-Native Wireless Networks.”