The Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) has released a new set of reports—3G/WCDMA-HSPA Launches Worldwide, HSPA Operator Commitments, Global HSPA+ Network Commitments and Deployments, HSPA Devices Survey and Evolution to LTE—that confirm the march of mobile broadband into the global mainstream.
The facts and figures show that the path to mobile broadband began with 3G/WCDMA, which is now commercially available on 347 networks in 144 countries. Its first evolution, High Speed Packet Access (HSPA), has now been deployed and commercially launched on 341 networks. There are now almost 1,000 models of HSPA-enabled phones on the market, with smartphones being the key growth segment.
For the uplink, the number of HSUPA devices has expanded by 77 percent since October 2009 with 609 products now launched and the commercial launch of 100 HSUPA networks in 53 countries. Further improvements in data speed, capacity and performance come with Evolved HSPA (HSPA+). Fifty-two HSPA+ systems are now in commercial service in 32 countries and 103 operators in 51 countries having committed to HSPA+ network deployments.
The reports maintain that LTE is the main direction for the industry. There are now 64 firm LTE network commitments in 31 countries, with a further 24 technology trials underway around the globe. GSA anticipates that the number of commercial LTE networks will increase steadily to reach 22 networks launched by the end of 2010.
Source: Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) ,