RFIC announced it will have many topical sessions planned on all topics of interest to the modern RFIC designer. In addition to the conference itself, RFIC and IMS will host a variety of educational and informative workshops and short courses of interest to RF professionals.
This year we will have six workshops on Sunday specifically sponsored by RFIC and two workshops co-sponsored by RFIC and IMS. The workshop topics include:
• WSB (RFIC): Advances in Filtering and Sampling for Integrated Transceivers
• WSC (RFIC): Interference, Noise and Coupling Effects in Modern SoC and SiP Products: Issues, Problems and Solutions
• WSG (RFIC): MOSFET Modeling for RFIC Design Based on the Industry-Standard PSP Model
• WSH (RFIC): Power Management for Integrated RF Circuits: Challenges and Solution
• WSJ (RFIC): Re-configurable Multi-radios at the Nanoscale
• WSK (RFIC): Multi-mode Front-end Design Challenges and Techniques
• WSL (IMS/RFIC): Silicon-based Technologies for Millimeter-wave Applications
• WSM (IMS/RFIC): RF Packaging Solutions for Wireless Communication Platforms
Full details of these RFIC workshops can be found at www.rfic2010.org/rfic2010/workshop.html and details of additional workshops and short courses organized by IMS can be found at www.ims2010.org/pdf/workshop_sched.pdf.