The Honorable Zachary J. Lemnios, Director of Defense Research and Engineering (DDR&E) for the United States Department of Defense, will be the plenary session speaker on Tuesday, May 25, at the upcoming IEEE MTT 2010 International Microwave Symposium (IMS). Hailed as the “Pentagon’s geek-in-chief” by Wired Magazine, Lemnios is a distinguished technologist and leader and long-time advocate for the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S). In his plenary session talk, “A Strategic View of Defense Research and Engineering,” Lemnios will address both defense-related technology opportunities and challenges facing the electronics industry today. IMS2010 will be held May 23 — 28 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA. Early Bird registration for IMS2010 is now open and will be available through May 7.
“We are honored to have Mr. Lemnios address our Symposium attendees this year. He has gained a unique perspective through his tremendous accomplishments in the industry, with the MIT Lincoln Laboratory and the defense department,” said JK McKinney, Chairman, IMS2010. “His thoughts on how to apply the industry’s latest cutting-edge technologies and create opportunities through investment will be of tremendous interest to everyone in our field.”
Lemnios was sworn in as Director, Defense Research and Engineering, on July 2, 2009. He is the principal staff advisor for research and engineering matters to the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD(AT&L)), and the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense. In this capacity, Lemnios serves as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the Department of Defense charged with the development and oversight of DoD technology strategy in concert with the Department’s current and future requirements. The goal of DDR&E is to extend the capabilities of current war fighting systems, develop breakthrough capabilities, and hedge against an uncertain future through a set of scientific and engineering options and counter strategic surprise.
Before assuming this position, Lemnios was the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Chief Technology Officer (CTO) responsible for coordinating technology strategy across the Laboratory and for establishing and growing strategic relationships outside of the Laboratory to support current and future Laboratory missions. He also served as Assistant Division Head of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Solid State Division, as a member of the Laboratory's Senior Management Council, and as the Co-chair of the Laboratory's New Technology Initiative (NTI) Board. Lemnios previously served as Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Microsystems Technology Office (MTO), as well as the Deputy Director of the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO). In these positions, he oversaw the development of future research thrusts, analyzed and evaluated program proposals and engagements with commercial, academic organizations and represented DARPA on various national committees.
Lemnios has also held various positions at Hughes Aircraft Co., Westinghouse Electric Corp. and Ford Microelectronics Inc. that led to the development and demonstration of advanced microelectronic components. He received his BSEE degree from the University of Michigan and his MSEE degree from Washington University in St. Louis, MO. Lemnios has authored more than 40 papers, holds four patents in advanced GaAs devices and MMIC technology, and is a Senior Member of the IEEE.