Few people have more IMS exhibition experience than Microwave Journal’s Marketing and Event Coordinator, Kristen Anderson (nee Dednah). Kristen helped manage the exhibition for over a decade. Think the logistics for your booth are complicated? Try multiplying those challenges by the total number of IMS exhibitors, year-in and year-out. With the organizational skills to manage endless action items down to the smallest detail and tremendous cool under fire, Kristen has a breadth of IMS knowledge that is second to none. In this month’s WaveGuide, as planning for the IMS exhibition goes into overdrive, we asked Kristen for her short list of things to do in preparation for Microwave Week. Here are a few items from her list of action items.
Pre-event promotion:
1. Send your company description (Free Listing) to show management
2. Place an ad in the Show Guide directing attention to your booth
3. If you're a show sponsor, provide your logo to show management
4. If you're an island exhibitor, provide your booth plans to show management
Make your show count and be pro-active when it comes to capturing leads and spreading your message:
1. E-mail advance registered attendees about your show plans/presence
2. Schedule lotteries at your booth requiring registrants to be scanned or leave their business cards. Instruct your booth staff about their responsibilities in getting this information. Some companies even hold contests among their booth workers for most leads or best quality leads. Make sure the staff attending the booth and scanning badges write their name (or initials) on the lead so there is a traceable point of contact.
3. Not everyone goes to IMS. Reach the rest of the industry with your news of your product releases. Schedule appointments with advance registered press members.
4. Plan out your social schedule and include show organized networking opportunities.
For a smoother show, don’t forget the logistics:
1. Order furniture, utilities and a lead retrieval unit
2. Order exhibitor badges for booth staff
3. Arrange inbound and outbound shipment
4. Complete drayage form with show's service contractor
5. Ship or bring with you to the show:
-Photocopies of all orders and proof of payments
-Booth giveaways with your logo and website address
-Business cards and RFIQ forms for attendees to take away
-Media Kits for the Press Room
-Utility knife, duct tape and general office supplies
-Return labels
Finally, IMS is an opportunity for your technical marketing staff to see what is happening in the greater community by attending some workshops. Take advantage of discounted symposium passes.
Use this opportunity to meet with partner companies to strategize future activities and check out what other companies are doing in the market as competitive information and market research. There is never a better chance to gauge the market and competition than at this show.
Kristen is now a Twitter maniac. Follow her at @KAatMWJ.