e2v is demonstrating its long experience in obsolescence mitigation through an agreement with Freescale Semiconductor to extend the life of 68K-series microprocessors for military, aerospace, commercial and industrial markets. The company will ensure long-term availability of the microprocessor line by continuing manufacture for all markets following discontinuance of these popular products by Freescale Semiconductor.
The companies have agreed that once Freescale ceases production of the 68020, 68882 and 68C000 processors, e2v’s portfolio of high-reliability grade products will be extended with commercial-grade versions in both plastic and ceramic packages. This arrangement guarantees that these products will remain available for the next 10 years, or longer, and is based on e2v’s long-term experience in extending the availability of strategic semiconductors used in the aerospace and defense markets.
As a Freescale aerospace and defense partner, e2v has been licensed by the company to deliver high-reliability versions of its products to the aerospace, defense and other extended reliability markets, for more than 25 years. The current arrangement allows e2v to build and sell its own products, from the 68K family to high-performance Power Architecture™ devices, by sourcing commercial wafers and devices from Freescale and then repackaging, screening, characterizing and testing at extended temperatures. Utilizing its proven, reliable wafer banking methodology, e2v will offer a comprehensive range of products for this extended period.
"As our long-term extended reliability applications partner, e2v is now serving other industries with its extended life solutions,” said June Lewis, consumer and industrial business operation manager, microcontrollers group at Freescale Semiconductor. “e2v is alone in its category with the depth and breadth of products and services needed by both semiconductor companies and electronics systems OEMs."