We populate the Microwave Journal web site with exclusive content as well as with material from our monthly print product. The web exclusive content includes industry news, executive interviews, expert advice, sponsored white papers, events and application-specific goodies such as the TestBench and EDAFocus articles. The content from our print edition is re-formatted into html for the web, because this is how (we believe) our audience generally prefers to read articles online. At least it seems to be the standard for most web sites. Missing from our web site are all the ads that appear in the print magazine for any given month... until now.
While advertiser information has been available to our web site visitors through the online readers service known as the infoZone, specific ads were only available in electronic form to our subscribers receiving the digital edition. This got us thinking about how we could offer greater exposure for your company’s Microwave Journal advertisements without compromising our subscription qualifications requirements. After all, qualifying for a subscription ensures that our readership is the right target audience for our advertisers.
Fortunately, our digital edition provider, Texterity, had the perfect solution. We are now able to offer a sample of our digital edition through the MWJ web site. Visitors to the digital edition sample are treated to a preview of some of the content, including ads before being asked to complete the subscription process. This should help us attract new audiences while previewing some of your ads to potential subscribers.
The Digital edition is now available through the MWJ web site
The Digital Edition link through MWJournal.com gives our print advertisers a new online presence for their marketing dollars. Call it double dipping if you will.