Bangalore, India's ‘Electronic City’ hosted the second Asian TTCN-3 User Conference (T3UC) where experts in test software from India and other parts of Asia declared their strongest-ever commitment to the testing technology known as Testing and Test Control Notation Version (3TTCN-3). The conference was co-organized by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and ISQT, a Bangalore-based training and consultancy company specializing in software testing and test automation.
Presentations demonstrated the successful use of TTCN-3 in the telecommunication, security and financial domains, and included wireless communication technologies such as LTE and WiMAX. Other contributions reported on the successful application of TTCN-3 in automated (end-to-end) interoperability testing, TTCN-3 test system implementation and the integration of TTCN-3 in model-based testing.
This was the first time the user conference had been held in India – one of the world's key emerging markets – recognizing the huge interest in the region in this versatile and powerful software language. The high quality of submitted presentations, as well as the highest number of participants and sponsoring companies seen in the event's eight year history, proved that Asia, and in particular India, is taking testing and the TTCN-3 technology very seriously, and that the region is well-advanced in the deployment of the technology into new application domains.
Anthony Wiles, Director of the ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability, said, “The technical quality and scope of the presentations reflected the rapid uptake of TTCN-3 in India in general, and in India’s IT capital, Bangalore, in particular. This is a clear indication that TTCN-3 is the globally accepted standardized testing language.”