HFSS Antenna Design Kit
The HFSS Antenna Design Kit is a stand-alone GUI-based utility which automates the geometry creation, solution setup, and post-processing reports for over 25 antenna elements. This tool allows antenna designers to efficiently analyze common antenna types using HFSS and also assists new users in learning to use HFSS for antenna design. The design kit can be integrated into the HFSS user interface or launched from the standard Windows menu. All antenna models created by the design kit are ready to simulate in HFSS.
Antenna Types
Available antennas in the current release include planar and wire dipole, rectangular and elliptical patch, pyramidal, sectoral, and conical horn, rectangular and circular waveguide, planar and conical spiral, tapered slot, log-periodic, inverted-F, bowtie, and biconical antennas. These antenna types are used in many commercial, biomedical, and defense applications which require the use of broadband or resonant radiators.
The Antenna Design Kit increases productivity by automating the creation of geometrically complex antennas defined using equations such as Archimedean, logarithmic, and sinuous spirals and exponentially tapered slots. Users simply select the antenna type, enter the physical dimensions or desired operating frequency, and the Antenna Design Kit generates a complete HFSS model including all necessary boundary conditions, frequency sweeps, and reports.
Parametric Modeling
The Antenna Design Kit describes the antenna geometry parametrically, enabling a design to be easily modified in HFSS after the initial model has been generated using the design kit. Parametric modeling also allows the use of Ansoft Optimetrics to perform automated optimizations and design studies in order to determine relationships between physical dimensions and performance. Post-processing reports are automatically generated for viewing input impedance and far-field radiation patterns.
Synthesis Feature
The Antenna Design Kit includes the capability to synthesize the physical dimensions of each antenna for a desired operating frequency or frequency band. This feature can be utilized to provide a starting point for new antenna designs or to quickly evaluate various antennas for a given application.
Custom Antenna Designs
Users can add their own custom antennas to the library of designs available in the Antenna Design Kit. Any parameterized HFSS model can be easily imported into the user interface, which allows the tool to serve as a library for easy re-use of common designs.
Help Documentation
Complete documentation is included with the Antenna Design Kit. The user documentation provides information on how to use the design kit, a description of the parameters for each antenna type, design references for each antenna, results for the nominal design parameters, and guidelines for designing antennas using HFSS.
The Antenna Design Kit is compatible with HFSS version 11.2 and above installed on Microsoft Windows operating systems.