TIPS industries has received a NATO contract to the value of €23 M to move the Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS) programme forward. The contract will address issues such as interoperability, NATO airborne early warning and control harmonisation, and potential cost saving measures in parallel to the programme’s upcoming design and development (D&D) phase. The award follows NATO’s selection of the TIPS mixed fleet to meet the NATO requirement for the AGS core capability and the decision of 23 nations to participate in the programme.
As part of this study, the TIPS industries — EADS (Germany), Galileo Avionica (Italy), General Dynamics Canada (Canada), Indra (Spain), Northrop Grumman (US) and Thales (France) — will also address integration of the Transatlantic Cooperative AGS Radar (TCAR) into TIPS mixed fleet. The study will be completed by late 2005, paralleling and paving the way for a smooth transition into the D&D phase.
At the signing of the contract, Tom Enders, CEO of EADS Defence and Security Systems, commented, “This contract award reaffirms the strong support for the AGS programme and further signals NATO’s commitment to get the programme underway. We expect that this study will provide NATO and the nations with a clear road map towards a successful D&D phase.”