As we referred to "Please Come to Boston in the Springtime" as our pre-show theme song, we are making "Rock Lobster" by the B-52s our post-show theme song. IMS2009 probably faced some of the biggest challenges in its history--a big economic downturn and the swine flu virus, for example--but everyone pulled together and rocked in Boston with a successful show. The show attendance for the technical conference and exhibition turned out pretty well after some initial pre-show concerns.

Based on initial registration data for IMS2009 that took place June 7-12 in Boston, technical registration was 2,676, an 11 percent increase over 2008 registration and exhibit-only registration numbers indicate 2,131 participants, an 83 percent increase over 2008. IMS2009 attracted 559 exhibiting companies, also an 11 percent increase over the number of exhibitors in 2008. According to preliminary results, the total number of IMS2009 participants, including exhibitor booth staff and guests, was 9,316 attendees, an 11 percent increase over 2008 participation.
The plenary session with Petteri Alinikula of Nokia drew a large crowd and the technical sessions were well attended. There seemed to be good advances in amplifier and nonlinear characterization along with other areas. LDMOS and GaN are really fighting it out for the very high power applications with SiC and other vertical FETs making some noise. See our June issue cover story for more details.
Congratulations to Fred Schindler - IMS 2009 Chair, Tina Quach - RFIC 2009 Chair and Charles Wilker - ARFTG 2009 Chair and their teams for running successful conferences. Several of us at Microwave Journal were on Fred's team, so we are well aware of the hard work everyone puts into these conferences and exhibitions. It was a pleasure working with Fred as he was very organized and had an experienced team in place. You can view our video interview with him during the show at here.
With over 550 companies exhibiting new products and capabilities, Microwave Journal editors had a lot of ground to cover, from the show floor to organized press conferences. Below is a summary of the companies and products we came across.
Here is a summary of the software and test/measurement news that we came across during IMS2009. Design and modeling advances seemed to be the hot area where several new nonlinear characterization techniques were introduced.

Anritsu Co. introduced several new products at IMS 2009 including the MA24108A/MA24118A microwave USB power sensors that provide accurate average power measurements from 10 MHz to 18 GHz over 60 dB of dynamic range. Employing a “dual path” architecture to achieve True-RMS measurement similar to a thermal sensor over the entire frequency and dynamic range, the power sensors can measure CW, multi-tone, and digitally modulated signals used in commercial and aerospace/defense systems.
Anritsu also introduced the MN469xA series 4-port test sets for use with its VectorStar MS4640A vector network analyzer (VNA). The development of the MN469xA series takes advantage of VectorStar’s 70 GHz high-performance, proven switching technology to produce the high accuracy and wide dynamic range necessary to conduct 16 fully corrected S-parameter measurements with speed and accuracy.
And finally Anritsu introduced the VectorStar™ Broadband ME7828A vector network analyzer system that produces industry-best dynamic range, measurement speed, and calibration and measurement stability over the broadest frequency range of 70 kHz to 110 GHz. The performance and frequency coverage provide designers and manufacturers of microwave/millimeter-wave components and devices with a single system to accurately and quickly measure devices from DC to daylight.
Agilent Technologies was a dominant force at the show with a large booth front and center, press conferences and talks, platinum show sponsorship and expanded MicroApps area that they sponsored and organized. They introduced a Microwave Signal Generator that breaks the one-watt output power barrier: The Agilent PSG E8257D option 521 signal generator delivers output power in excess of one-watt over most of its frequency range. With specified output power from +24 to +28 dBm over most of its 20 GHz of frequency range, it eliminates the need for additional hardware such as amplifiers, couplers and detectors in most high-power test environments.
They also recently announced Advanced Design System (ADS) 2009 Update 1, the industry's first complete, front-to-back solution for monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) and RF module design. The release integrates 3-D electromagnetic (EM) analysis, wireless standards-based design verification libraries, X-parameter simulation, and statistical design and yield optimization. Advanced Design System 2009 Update 1 enables designers to stay within the design and simulation platform of choice for their entire design cycle and eliminates the need for separate, time-consuming point tools.
Also the Advanced Wideband Vector Signal Analysis and Digital Troubleshooting: Agilent's Infiniium 9000 Series oscilloscopes offer the broadest measurement capability with true analog bandwidths up to 4 GHz. They have impressive scope performance and built-in logic and protocol analysis. These oscilloscopes are the world's first scopes with integrated logic analysis channels and a protocol analyzer viewer for buses such as PCIeTM and USB. These integrated features extend scope functionality, making it easier for engineers to test complex designs, and giving companies higher oscilloscope utilization for better return on capital equipment.
Agilent Technologies expanded its mixed-signal and digital-storage oscilloscope portfolio with six new models that comprise its next-generation Infiniium 9000 Series. These scopes offer the broadest measurement capability with true analog bandwidths up to 4 GHz, impressive scope performance, and built-in logic and protocol analysis. Each model, equipped with the industry's largest screen -- a 15-inch (38.1 cm) XGA LCD display -- comes in a highly portable package that is just 9 inches (22.86 cm) deep and weighs only 25 pounds (11.3 kg).
Agilent Technologies announced that SATA-IO has certified the Agilent SATA total test solution, which is used by Allion Test Labs. The test platform includes a transmitter, receiver and test automatic software platform. The Serial ATA International Organization (SATA-IO) develops, manages and drives adoption of the Serial ATA specifications. The SATA interface is the industry-standard application used to manage data transmission between system board and storage device on personal computers, laptops or server systems. SATA Gen 3 can drive speeds up to 6 Gbps.
And finally a significant announcement in that they recently expanded the flexible PNA-X network analyzer with 13.5, 43.5 and 50 GHz models. The 43.5 and 50 GHz models support higher frequency applications such as radar and satellite communications, while the 13.5 GHz model is ideal for lower-frequency devices used in wireless communications. Agilent's PNA-X nonlinear vector network analyzer (NVNA) has also been expanded to include a 13.5 GHz model and the industry's first 43.5 and 50 GHz NVNA. These new solutions provide engineers developing and manufacturing active devices the flexibility to select just the right frequency that is required for their specific application.
Tektronix displayed the recently introduced Option 200, for the RSA6000 Series spectrum analyzer. Innovative DPX Density™ triggering enables another unique method of isolating frequency domain signals based on statistical occurrence. The swept DPX functionality enables DPX spectrum viewing over the entire range of the spectrum analyzer, to 14 GHz, and the highest probability of detecting spectrum events. With >292,000 spectrum updates per second, the patented DPX technology represents a six-fold improvement on the first generation capability.
The RSA6000 Series spectrum analyzer with option 21 now includes new modulation analysis and display enhancements for the government communications designer and operators of spectrum management systems. The new modulation types enable development of cutting-edge communications systems necessary to meet the need for increased communications bandwidth and spectrum efficiency in military and homeland security applications.
Tektronix has teamed with Mesuro Limited to demonstrate the most advanced system for nonlinear measurements that is commercially available. Based on the Tektronix AWG7122B Arbitrary Waveform Generator and DSA8200 Sampling Oscilloscope, the Mesuro MB 20 Open Loop Active Harmonic Load Pull system enables the characterization of devices and power amplifiers for any signal and impedance environment up to 150 W in power. Being an all-electronic solution, it is ideal for on-wafer measurements. These solutions enable customers to design more efficient power devices for the wireless industry and have a demonstrated capability to optimize performance with first-pass designs. The system was shown in the Tektronix booth #2624 at IMS2009. Microwave Journal moderated a Webinar on the subject which can be viewed here.
Tektronix had new enhancements to improve the utility of its portable spectrum analyzers for remote RF monitoring and sensing applications. Users are able to improve spectrum awareness for unattended applications with synchronous triggering and GPS time stamps for RF measurements.
Tektronix also introduced a new software module for RFXpress (RFX100 option SPARA) that provides emulation of RF components from touchstone files. Engineers can use arbitrary waveform signals and cascade multiple touchstone files to emulate a RF chain gain insight into component behaviour with a complex stimulus and to shorten design time. The effect of the RF component can also be de-embedded by selecting the Inversion option.
Rohde & Schwarz and Noisecom have jointly set up a test solution for making Y-factor noise figure measurements in the 60 GHz frequency range. The system, which is much less complex than traditional noise figure measurement systems and does not require downconversion using harmonic mixers, was demonstrated at the Rohde & Schwarz booth.
Rohde & Schwarz demonstrated a complete system for generating and analyzing user-defined and standard independent Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM) signals at its booth at the show. The system consists of R&S signal generators and a signal analyzer using OFDM specific measurement software and covers microwave frequencies up to 40 GHz with a signal bandwidth up to 100 MHz.
Rohde & Schwarz also demonstrated a new technique for measuring the group delay of frequency-converting devices at the show. The technique does not require access to the local oscillator (LO) of the device under test. This is extremely useful in applications such as satellite communication links and highly-integrated devices in which the LO cannot be accessed. The solution is extremely fast, accurate and easy to use. It is available as an option for all four-port R&S ZVA and R&S ZVT Series of vector network analyzers.
In addition, Rohde & Schwarz demonstrated new capabilities for evaluating differential (balanced) devices at the International Microwave Symposium. Rohde & Schwarz R&S ZVA and R&S ZVT series of vector network analyzers (VNA) equipped with the R&S ZVA-K6 true differential option can now take advantage of the coherent signal sources to adjust them to a selected phase or amplitude offset. This unique capability, made possible by a special architecture, is valuable when characterizing phased-array antennas, the nonlinear behavior of differential amplifiers and many other applications for aerospace and defense.
Keithley Instruments Inc. announced that it has upgraded its popular RF Vector Signal Analyzer line with new capabilities that reduce signal acquisition and measurement times. The new Model 2820A RF Vector Signal Analyzer, which provides a 40 MHz signal acquisition bandwidth with a frequency range of either 400 MHz to 4 GHz or 400 MHz to 6 GHz, builds on the capabilities of Keithley’s Series 2800 signal analyzer line. It expands the line’s applications for testing wireless devices to today’s high throughput, complex modulation, and wide bandwidth wireless telecom standards.
Keithley also introduced the Model 2891-IQ Upconverter, which provides comprehensive support for transceiver testing by processing analog I and Q baseband signals for testing a transceiver’s transmitter, as well as processing analog I and Q output signals for testing a transceiver’s receiver.
AWR announced AWR Connected for Rohde & Schwarz, which integrates the capabilities of R&S WinIQSIM2 simulation software from the leading test and measurement manufacturer within its Visual System Simulator (VSS) system analysis software. The complete range of digitally-modulated signals generated by R&S WinIQSIM2, along with those already present within VSS, ensure that the same real-world test signals can be used throughout the design cycle.
Mimix Broadband develops state-of-the-art GaAs semiconductors for RF, microwave and millimeter-wave applications in the telecommunications, satellite communications, and defense markets. Mimix Broadband was designing a millimeter-wave converter that employed innovative passive circuits. If the design could be realized successfully, it would achieve exceptionally high performance without using larger conventional millimeter-wave wave structures that would result in a larger die size and greater cost. However, this required the entire structure to be solved in order to verify the design.
Using a variety of commercial electromagnetic (EM) solvers, Mimix Broadband was unable to simulate the entire monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), which includes more than 100 ports and 100,000 unknowns. The company’s designers turned to AWR’s AXIEM software, which solved the entire structure on a desktop PC. Armed with a full-chip EM solution, Mimix Broadband had far greater understanding of the circuit’s physics as well. The complete story detailing Mimix Broadband’s design challenge is available at
Computer Simulation Technology (CST) announced new flexibility for customers interested in simulation acceleration. Design engineers and researchers working in all areas of microwave and RF device R&D are constantly striving to shorten simulation times and therefore development cycles. To meet these demands, CST is researching new technologies to improve simulation performance: both methodological and the latest hardware technology. Today CST offers a multitude of simulation acceleration options such as multi CPU processing, GPU processing, cluster computing and distributed computing to satisfy customer requirements. In order to secure customer investments as well as to facilitate the choice of the most effective acceleration solution for a given simulation model, CST is now introducing a token scheme, which enables the versatile access to as well as the combination of different simulation acceleration options.
CST also announced that the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® frequency domain solver will feature 3rd order and mixed elements with the 2010 release. Design engineers and researchers working on electrically small or resonant structures value the frequency domain solver of CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® as a well integrated alternative to the market leading time domain solver, and for cross verification purposes. The range of possible applications and users has now been enlarged.
Engineers working on antenna placement, radar cross-section simulation or other electrically large problems will benefit from CST’s newest addition to the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® (CST MWS) solver family. The new CST MWS asymptotic solver targets a range of simulation model sizes beyond the reach of even the successful integral equation solver, i.e. much larger than 100 wavelengths. Thus again extending the range of applications that can be simulated efficiently within CST STUDIO SUITE™. The asymptotic solver is tightly integrated in the CST design environment and shares the same well-known usability features as the other CST MWS solver modules.
Aeroflex announced it expanded its flexible PXI modular test platform with the addition of two new 3020 Series high power and compact RF signal generators. The 3020 Series are compact, high precision PXI modular RF signal generators with integrated dual-channel arbitrary waveform generators ideally suited for R&D manufacturing and design verification of RF components and systems. The addition of the 3021C and 3026C extend the output power range of the 3020 Series to +17 dBm for frequencies up to 3 and 6 GHz, respectively.
Boonton, a Wireless Telecom Group Co., introduced a new, very fast 59318 Peak Power Sensor that is optimized for Boonton’s 4540 and 4500B Peak Power Meter product lines.
Wireless communication and aerospace technology is getting increasingly complex. Highly dynamic signals with noise like signal characteristics, fast switching carriers, as well as pulsed signals need to be measured and analyzed. Developers and engineers need measurement tools that allow them to tackle such intricate waveforms. Boonton proudly announces a new RF Power Sensor that fulfills these requirements – the 59318. The dynamic input power ranges from -24 to +20 dBm in Peak mode and -34 to +20 dBm in CW mode, with input frequencies of up to 18 GHz. With its very fast rise time of <10 ns and a bandwidth of 50 MHz, the new 59318 can handle the most difficult signal forms. Due to its high speed the sensor is likewise ideal for statistical measurements. These are utilized if signals show noise like characteristics; hence do not support conventional trigger methods. The 59318 is extraordinary fast but also able to handle very low frequencies, starting already as low as 50 MHz. Frequency range is dependent upon which bandwidth the sensor is set to; it ranges from 0.5 to 18 GHz in high bandwidth mode and from 50 MHz to 18 GHz in low bandwidth mode. All 59310 sensors are equipped with an N (m) connector.
Noisecom has developed a precision NF-test-set for these 60G devices. Two versions are available, NC5115-60G and NC5115-60GT. The former has a waveguide flange, while the latter has a coaxial transition. The systems consists of precision noise sources that cover the 60G band, isolators for best VSWR match, and very low noise amplifiers with 30 dB gain to increase the output of the DUT, if it is too low for direct measurement. The Noise source delivers 17.5 dB excess noise ratio (ENR). NC5115-60G and NC5115-60GT sets come standard with an ENR calibration table. The products are available immediately.
NoiseWave's NW346V series is the believed to be the broadest band calibrated noise standard available. The unit features a standard 15 dB nominal ENR value ideal for noise figure testing, operates with 28 V input and utilizes a V(m) output connector. Covering 10 MHz to 60 GHz, these units are compatible with standard noise figure meters as well as spectrum analyzers and networks analyzers. Applications include broadband test, MMIC noise figure and high speed serial digital characterization as well as Satellite and Military radio test. Options for 67 GHz coverage are available as well. They are supplied in industry standard packaging and are economically priced with delivery typically from stock.
Mician demonstrated the latest version of µWave Wizard, a design tool using the mode-matching technique, which is particularly suitable for simulation and optimization of passive microwave systems and components, including antennas.
The aim of the latest introduction, version 7.0, is the execution of µWave Wizard on a 64 bit operating system and in parallel with the 3D finite element method (3D FEM) solver for 3D-FEM based elements, as well for using 3D-FEM on a complete circuit. With this version the 3D-FEM solver supports multicore and multiprocessor computers on 32 bit and 64 bit Windows operating systems.
Elements based on the mode-matching, boundary contour mode-matching and 2D-FEM mode-matching technique perform faster than with version 6.6. In particular the computation of 2D-FEM mode-matching elements like waffle irons, dual mode filters with screws and slot irises can be calculated in significantly shorter time.
The Microwave Innovation Group (MIG) showed the latest version of its hybrid MM/FE/MoM/FD WASP-NET® tool, which now includes elements for aperture and wire-cross-coupled combline and dielectric resonator filters. Utilizing a novel ultra-adaptive sweep technique, which is particularly appropriate for fast optimization, such components can be calculated within fractions of a second.
A new flexible, user defined input system for body-of-revolution (BOR) antenna structures, where all desired parameters can be individually parameterized by the user enables convenient design and optimization of complex antenna systems including shaped subreflectors, shaped reflectors, lenses and radomes. Also, there are new user-friendly extended synthesis wizards for all kinds of filters, slot arrays and corrugated horn antennas.
Finally, a new efficient method-of-moment technique with higher order basic functions significantly speeds up the design of various dielectric resonator filters. For instance a four resonator filter takes around 0.8 s/frequency point (on a 2 QC Xeon 3 GHz PC).
Sonnet Software Inc. introduced Sonnet Lite Release 12, a free 3D Planar EM simulator, as a tool for learning and experimenting in high frequency RF transmission lines, circuits, packages and antennas. Sonnet Lite provides a full-wave EM analysis solution for 3D planar circuits and allows high frequency designers to solve problems that require up to1 MB of RAM, without giving personal information. In return for registering and providing contact information, Sonnet will expand the memory resource limit to 16 MB of RAM.
Sonnet Lite Release 12 is available for free download at Sonnet’s website at
Hittite Microwave launched the HMC-T2100, a new, easy to implement 10 MHz to 20 GHz Synthesized Signal Generator that provides the highest output power, lowest harmonic levels and broadest frequency range compared with any signal generator in its class for only $7,998.00.
IFI is showing another versatile amplifier system that can be tailored to meet any customer’s requirement and application. The company's RS1802-1KW-500 is an ideal Integrated System for EMC applications. This system includes the SMCC1000, 1000 W amplifier for 200 MHz to 1.0 GHz as well as the 500 W amplifiers for 1 to 18 GHz (1.0 2.5 GHz, 2.5 to 7.5 GHz, 7.5 to 18.0 GHz).
Giga-tronics introduces the 2500B series Microwave Signal Generators, which cover 100 kHz to 50 GHz, with extremely low phase noise, high rejection of harmonics, sub-harmonics and spurious, high output power level, and fast frequency switching. Six models are available covering 2.5, 8, 20, 26.5, 40 and 50 GHz. The new 50 GHz model is the flagship of the product line, offering a combination of fast switching speed and low phase noise not previously available.
Pendulum Instruments has added a new Battery Unit option to add portability to its CNT-90XL Microwave Counter/Analyzer. This fast microwave counter with integrated power meter has a graphical display that offers ease-of-use and control over measurement. With a frequency measurement range up to 60 GHz, the instrument is suitable for various applications, such as microwave link carrier calibration, satellite communication equipment testing, RF and microwave instrumentation calibration, RF components and modules testing etc.
With the new battery option (Option 23/85) the CNT-90XL can operate without mains power for as long as eight hours. Included is a stand-by mode to eliminate warm-up time, enabling the unit to be ready to perform anytime within a 24 hour period. The option allows the instrument to operate in extended field operations through an external DC 10 – 18 V input, for use in vehicles, or a replacement battery can be installed in a 5 to10 minutes, using standard tools.
The battery unit expands the CNT-90XL’s applications to areas where there is no mains power available, for transporting the instrument to the measurement site and where critical measurements cannot be interrupted by power failure.
Signal generators are essential to most test systems, but they are typically too large and expensive for portable measurement applications. In cases where portability is important, the Lab Brick® family of signal generators from Vaunix Technology Corp. includes five low-cost, compact models covering a total range of 50 MHz to 6 GHz with high output levels and excellent spectral purity. They can be powered and controlled by means of a Universal Serial Bus (USB) equipped personal computer (PC) or laptop computer, or operate under battery power or with a remote power supply for embedded or automated applications.
Complementing a line of compact Lab Brick Universal Serial Bus (USB) powered and controlled signal generators, Vaunix Technology Corp. announced a family of Lab Brick Digital Attenuators with 63 dB of programmable attenuation through 6 GHz. The first two standard models are the LDA-102, with frequency coverage of 0.1 to 1000.0 MHz, and the LDA-602, with a frequency range of 6 to 6000 MHz. Both units are powered and controlled by connection to a personal computer's USB port or a powered USB hub, and provide programmable attenuation from 0 to 63 dB with simple control via the included graphical user interface (GUI) software.
SUSS MicroTec Test Systems has introduced 1MX™ Technology for its line of on-wafer RF probes, the |Z| Probe®, which are said to provide test engineers with the new level of measurement accuracy when characterizing nano-scaled RF and microwave devices. The new technology improves the high-frequency performance of the |Z| Probe by minimizing unwanted signal loss, reflection, and crosstalk and by extending the frequency range.
To test RF and microwave components at wafer level engineers need to connect measurement instrumentation such as the vector network analyzer, which interprets signals in a ‘coaxial transmission world’, to the device under test, which exists in a ‘planar transmission world’. The meeting of these two worlds takes place at the RF wafer probe and the |Z| Probe uses a patented technology to connect these two worlds with the minimum amount of signal distortion and loss. The robust design ensures excellent contact quality, one million touchdowns, improves the insertion loss and return loss and extends the frequency capabilities of the |Z| Probes up to 67 GHz.
Cascade Microtech Inc. announced the release of two products that streamline engineering and production testing of high-bandwidth, short-range RFIC devices for WirelessHD™, automotive radar and other 60 GHz wireless applications. Using a combination of Cascade Microtech's proprietary thin-film technology and coaxial probe technology from its industry-leading Infinity Probe® architecture, the 110 GHz Unity-MW millimeter-wave RFIC engineering probe provides the cost-effective answer to the challenges of precision characterization and testing of these multiple-port emerging technologies. Utilizing the same membrane technology, the Pyramid-MW 81 GHz production probe card provides a robust production solution to shipping at-speed Known-Good-Die (KGD) in high volume.
It is not surprising that the largest category of news items we received for the show was for amplifiers but I was a little taken back that is was almost a third of the bunch. Here are some of the various show news items for amplifier products:
Narda’s Multifunction MIC portfolio will be represented by a Ka-band 10 W solid-state power amplifier, Ku-band and Ka-band block up/down converters, and a family of variable phase and variable output power amplifiers covering 2.7 to 43 GHz. For satcom ground terminal applications, Narda will demonstrate frequency generators that can serve as local oscillators in frequency converters and transceivers. The quad-band downconverter, for example, uses a proprietary source that produces outputs at 6.3, 8.75, 9.6, 10.0, 10.5, 10.75 and 11.25 GHz from RF inputs of 5.0 and 6.3 GHz. In addition, the Model 15172 L-band transceiver adapts military 70 MHz satellite communication modems to single-band, tri-band, or quad-band block converters that require L-band IF inputs and outputs. It converts signals at the 70 MHz IF frequency to any L-band frequency from 950 MHz to 2 GHz with a 1 MHz or optional 20 kHz step size.

Freescale Semiconductor introduced five laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) field effect transistors (FET) for commercial aerospace applications. The expanded RF portfolio includes L-band (965 to 1215 MHz) devices and the first LDMOS FETs for aerospace applications at S-band (3.1 to 3.5 GHz).
Freescale also recently expanded on its commitment to GSM EDGE wireless networks with the introduction of three high-performance RF power transistors based on laterally-diffused metal oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) technology. The devices incorporate enhancements that make them easy to integrate into amplifiers while delivering exceptional levels of performance.
For GSM EDGE applications, the MRFE6S9046N operates from 920 to 960 MHz and delivers a 17.8 W average RF power output with 19 dB of gain, up to 42.5 percent efficiency and EVM of up to 2.1 percent RMS. It is housed in Freescale’s over-molded plastic package that combines precise mechanical tolerances and cost-effectiveness. The package is also surface-mountable making it compatible with automated pick-and-place manufacturing, and enhanced internal impedance matching enables manufacturers to more easily accommodate printed circuit board variations. The internal output matching enables a user-friendly terminal impedance at the fundamental frequency, but also includes second and third harmonic terminations for higher efficiency, in line with the theory of Class F amplifiers.
These 28 V devices are designed for Class AB and Class C operation in GSM and EDGE systems. In GSM EDGE service, the MRF8S9100H/HS delivers 45 W average power gain of 19.1 dB and efficiency of 44 percent at 940 MHz, and EVM of 2.0 percent RMS.
RF Micro Devices Inc. (RFMD) had one of the biggest announcements at the show when it said the company has formed a gallium nitride (GaN) Foundry Services business unit to supply high reliability, high performance and price-competitive GaN semiconductor technology into multiple RF power markets. The RFMD GaN Foundry Services business unit will leverage the company's industry leadership in gallium arsenide (GaAs) manufacturing capacity and cycle times, as well as a range of new customer services, to drive shorter time-to-market and minimize time between initial wafer order and final delivery. RFMD's GaN manufacturing is interchangeable with its GaAs manufacturing and directly benefits from the scale and demonstrated expertise of RFMD's industry-leading wafer fabrication capability.
RFMD also introduced the RF5602 high-power, high-efficiency and high-linearity power amplifier (PA). The RF5602 is a 2 GHz linear PA designed for medium power applications including consumer premises equipment (CPE) and access point (AP) applications for WiFi and WiMAX.
RFMD announced the addition of three new packaged broadband GaAs pHEMT high frequency amplifiers to RFMD's SUF family of products. The new amplifiers deliver exceptional broadband frequency performance and are applicable for commercial, military and space applications.

TriQuint Semiconductor announced that it has been awarded leadership of Phase III of a multi-year gallium nitride (GaN) research and development contract by the Army Research Laboratory (ARL). The contract, funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), was awarded based on TriQuint surpassing Phase II goals. The overall program is designed to develop new high power, wideband GaN amplifiers for a range of defense applications. TriQuint Semiconductor also introduced the high output, ultra-linear TGA2807-SM gain block for cable TV headend applications. It is tailored for the performance requirements of DOCSIS® 3.0 systems and builds on the successful heritage of TriQuint’s TGA2806-SM and TGA2803-SM. The new TGA2807-SM offers ACPR ~2 dB better than previous generations for given bias and power levels. It can also be operated with significantly reduced power consumption while still meeting DOCSIS 3.0 specifications.
Power Module Technology introduced the PP88-108-1500, a very high power Class AB pallet amplifier providing 1500 W CW Power output. Featuring the latest generation of LDMOS transistors, the PP88-108-1500 provides the most CW FM power available anywhere in the world today. Thermal tracking bias allows the PP88-108-1500 to operate Class AB providing 1500 W PEP with typical 2-tone IMDs of -30 dB, making it an excellent choice for the digital FM market.
I thought their pirate ship booth was the most unique prescence at the show with its Boston Tea party theme. They had a ship in the middle with sails and pictures with their pirate dressed staff in front of the Boston Tea party background.
M/A-COM Technology Solutions >Inc. introduced three new lateral diffused MOSFET (LDMOS) devices for L-band radar and one new LDMOS device for avionics applications. These new products are an extension of M/A-COM Tech’s line of bipolar L-band radar transistors.
The first two devices are optimized for the 1030 to 1090 MHz radar segment of the band, each capable of short pulse (32 micro-seconds with two percent duty cycle), in 100 and 200 W versions. The part numbers are MAPL-001090-100BF0 (100 W) and MAPL-001090-200BF0 (200 W). The third device is optimized for 1200 to 1400 MHz, features medium-duty cycle operation (150 micro-seconds with 10 percent duty cycle) and is rated at 100 W. The part number is MAPL-001214-100MF0.
Stealth Microwave introduced a new line of single and multi-carrier DPD power amplifiers for WiMAX, WCDMA and LTE in a variety of operating frequencies and power levels. A 50 ohm RF input is standard and CPRI/OBSAI interfaces are planned for TMA models. The DPD technology employed is modulation-agnostic and can automatically adapt to any mix of carrier types within its operating bandwidth. Having baseband flexibility in an RF power amplifier allows for higher levels of integration with other signal processing functions such as; digital interfacing, digital up-conversion, crest factor reduction, envelope tracking and linear effects compensation.
AR's Model AR-50 is a portable, lightweight, fully automatic band-switching RF booster amplifier for multi-band VHF/UHF Tactical Radio equipment employing legacy, proprietary and emerging waveforms. The amplifier covers the frequency band of 30 to 512 MHz using six high speed auto switching filters to assure harmonic suppression and is SINCGARS, HAVEQUICK and ECCM compatible. The amplifier includes Voltage Spike Suppression, RF sensing, T/R switching, Automatic Level Control (ALC), six automatically switched harmonic filter bands (DAMA capable), and protection against antenna mismatch and over-temperature. Protection against accidental polarity reversal is provided. The amplifier comprises a rugged two-piece splash-proof aluminum case. Optional interface coaxial cables are available.
AR’s model 20S6G18, a 20 W solid state amplifier covering 6 to 18 GHz, provides high gain, low noise, good linearity and excellent mismatch capability. The amplifier also delivers superior EVM (error vector magnitude) performance. With a minimum of 43 dB gain and a typical noise figure of 6 dB, the 20S6G18 offers significant advantages over traveling wave tube amplifiers in this frequency range.
Hittite Microwave Corp. introduced a new GaAs HEMT MMIC low noise amplifier die, the HMC-ALH508, which will allow designers to address E-band applications from 71 to 86 GHz. The HMC-ALH508 LNA die is ideal for automotive radar, military and space applications, wireless LANs, and ultra high capacity E-band communication systems. Hittite Microwave also introduced two new GaAs MMIC SMT low noise amplifier and driver amplifier products, which allow designers to address point-to-point microwave radio, military, space, VSAT, and test instrumentation applications from 14 to 40 GHz. And they introduced four new Digital Variable Gain Amplifiers which are ideal for automotive, broadband, cellular/3G, WiMAX/4G, test & measurement equipment and military applications between 70 MHz and 4 GHz.
Skyworks’ new ultra low noise amplifiers offer performance under 0.7 dB while providing high linearity amplification with OIP3 up to 35 dBm. The SKY65037-360LF, operating from 0.7 to 1.2 GHz, and SKY65040-360LF, operating from 1.5 to 2.4 GHz, have the flexibility of external tuning to set gain up to 25 dB and supply current adjustment of 30 to 100 mA. The devices serve high performance receiver applications for wireless infrastructure base stations, repeaters, or access points.
Skyworks also introduced the industry’s highest performance wireless local area network (WLAN) and WiFi-certified power amplifier (PA) to meet demanding high-data rate applications such as wireless high definition (HD) video transmission.
The SKY65137, along with other solutions in this product family, serve as a media gateway, allowing wireless access to a vast array of multimedia content from any room and replacing unwieldy cables currently required in the home. Additional applications include high-performance video gaming, outdoor wide-range access points and extended-range routers.
A brand new microwave power module (MPM) was launched by TMD Technologies. The PTX8207 includes a "next generation" high power mini-TWT to provide a wider frequency range and higher power than previous models. The PTX8207 is specified to provide a mid-band power of 140 W and an operating frequency range of 4.5 to 18 GHz.
ASC announced Model ASC357C, the first of a new product line of wideband, high dynamic range amplifiers using the latest GaN HEMT devices. Their higher voltage and power density operation offer much lower parasitic capacitance and much higher dynamic resistance that provide wider bandwidth and higher output power.
Teledyne Microwave introduced a 25 W linear Ku-band SSPA that is based on wideband driver modules and a balanced Ku-band MMIC output stage. This 14.40 to 15.4 GHz amplifier includes a TTL enable/disable function, a temperature compensation circuit, Low Drop-Out (LDO) regulators, a negative voltage generator and a sequencer circuit to guarantee that the negative voltage is presented to the power MMICs before the positive voltage is applied.
Avago Technologies announced a new series of miniature fully matched WiMAX and WiFi power amplifier modules for mobile and fixed wireless data applications. Avago’s new MGA-2xx03 series of PA modules feature a compact 3 mm by 3mm by 1 mm package and are ideal for manufacturers of portable and mobile devices containing WiMAX or high power WiFi links.
Avago also announced a new innovative flat gain, high linearity low noise gain block that can be used as either a broadband gain block or driver amplifier MMIC. Housed in an industry standard SOT-89 package measuring 4.5mm by 4.1mm by 1.5 mm, Avago’s MGA-30689 flat gain, high linearity gain block operates in the 40 to 2,600 MHz frequency band and only requires a simple DC biasing match. The ease-of-use and broadband performance of the MGA-30689 makes it an ideal choice for designers of cellular devices, WiMAX wireless base stations, satellite and cable TV set-top boxes.
Infineon Technologies AG introduced a family of high-power LDMOS transistors for design of broadband wireless network base stations. With industry leading power levels up to 300 W and video bandwidth exceeding 90 MHz, the new transistors fully support the high peak to average power ratios and high data rate specifications required for the evolution from 3G to 4G wireless networks.
Infineon also introduced an industry first series of dual integrated LDMOS power amplifiers for wireless network base stations. Incorporating two LDMOS amplifiers in a single package, the new devices provide two output power stages, making them ideal for Doherty-based amplifiers and for compact designs that benefit from reduced board space.
Infineon’s new BGB707L7ESD LNA is a wideband, low power consumption general-purpose SiGe:C MMIC LNA in a small TSLP-7-1 package (2.0x1.3x0.4mm). The LNA is as flexible as a discrete transistor and offers numerous integrated features. Circuit designers will appreciate the flexibility and stability of an integrated power-off function for longer battery life, active biasing, a wide operating voltage range and adjustable current. Integrated ESD protection of 3 kV at RF input, a high input gain compression point and excellent noise figure make it suitable for a wide range of RF circuit designs.
Giga-tronics has introduced the GT-1040A and GT-1050A Solid-state Broadband Microwave Power Amplifiers, which cover 2 to 40 GHz and 2 to 50 GHz, respectively, with high output power, low noise figure and low harmonics. Designed using Broadband MMIC technology, these amplifiers typically provide ½ W (+27 dBm) at 40 GHz and ¼ W (+24 dBm) at 50 GHz with > 20 dB gain and < 12 dB noise figure. Gain flatness is typically +/- 3 dB to 40 GHz and +/- 5 dB to 50 GHz.
AmpliTech is featuring an amplifier that operates in a frequency range from 12 to 18 GHz. The amplifier is a breakthrough in amplifier technology because the noise figure is 0.9 dB over the entire band. Not only is the noise figure consistent across the band, but so is the gain and output power. The APT2-12001800-1105-D2 is available in the company’s smallest housing (D2).
Empower's BBM3K5KKO high-power super broadband amplifier module covers 500 to 2500 MHz at 50 dB of gain and 100 W output power. The module is very compact at 10 inches long and one inch thick, and uses GaN devices that provide high gain, excellent efficiency and extended bandwidth. The BBM2E3KKO high-power RF amplifier module covers 20 to 520 MHz at 50 dB of gain and 100 W output power. The module is very compact at less than 6.5 inches long and approximately one inch thick, and uses LDMOS devices that provide excellent linearity and high gain. The BBS3C3KUT is a high-gain, high-power general purpose amplifier system. It covers 100 to 500 MHz and provides 60 dB of gain at 1,000 W output power. And the BBS3C3KUT is a high-gain, high-power general purpose amplifier system. It covers 100 to 500 MHz and provides 60 dB of gain at 1,000 W output power.
HVVi Semiconductors announced the addition of the HVV1011-500 to its growing line-up of L-band devices. These devices are fabricated using the industry’s first High Voltage Vertical Field Effect Transistor (HVVFET™) architecture. HVV1011-500 is a 500 W (P1dB) single-ended device, and represents the highest power offering in its 1030 to 1090 MHz family. By utilizing this technology, HVVi can offer the most robust devices available for interrogator, transponder and TCAS applications.
Power Module Technology (PMT) is featuring PP88-108-800, a high power Class AB Pallet Amplifier that provides 800 W CW power output in an extremely small footprint. Featuring the latest generation LDMOS transistors, the PP88-108-800 provides high power density of any FM pallet. Thermal tracking bias allows the PP88-108-800 to operate Class AB while providing 800 W CW with a typical efficiency of 80 percent.
Nitronex released the NPT1007 for applications up to 1.2 GHz. The NPT1007 comprises two power transistors, 100 W each, in an industry standard four lead Gemini package. This small footprint allows easy combining of both transistors into a compact high power amplifier solution. After combining losses, the device achieves 200 W at 63 percent efficiency with 18.3 dB gain at 900 MHz. The NPT1007 is robust to an output mismatch of 10:1 while in saturation.
Cree Inc., a major force in the development of Silicon Carbide (SiC) MESFETs and Gallium Nitride (GaN) HEMTs for RF and microwave wireless applications, relies on AWR's Microwave Office design environment to bring its hybrid-based GaN power amplifiers to fruition. One of the most impressive (and challenging) was the CDPA21480 Doherty amplifier that delivers 480 W peak and 80 W average RF power for WCDMA applications in the 2110 to 2170 MHz UMTS band.
Mimix Broadband Inc. introduces a QFN packaged GaAs MMIC linear power amplifier with 49 dBm OIP3 and 16.5 dB small-signal gain. This power amplifier, identified as XP1039-QJ, covers 5.5 to 7.5 GHz and includes an on-chip temperature compensated power detector. The amplifier comes in an RoHS compliant, industry standard, fully molded 6x6mm QFN package and includes on-chip ESD protection structures and DC bypass capacitors to ease implementation and volume assembly. The XP1039-QJ is well suited for highly linear communications applications such as point-to-point radio, LMDS, SATCOM and VSAT applications.
From its vast range of RF products RFHIC focused on its new GaN Wideband Pallet Amplifiers and GaAs MMIC enhancement Mode E-pHEMTs. The wideband pallet amplifiers are GaN on SiC HEMT, are small and lightweight and are highly efficient. They are reliable, rugged and have 50 Ω input/output impedance. There are specific models designed for military communications applications, others for radar applications and another group for LTE and WiMAX. The GaAS E-pHEMTs are also highly efficient and low cost. They exhibit a low noise figure and good gain flatness as well as being Pb free and manufactured to RoHS standards.
Ophir RF was featuring their solid state broadband power amplifiers including the 50 W 2 to 6 GHz model 5193 linear power amplifier. It is small and lightweight and utilizes Class A/AB with IP3 of 54 dBm typical.
NuWaves was showing off their C-band SSPA with 20 W output from 4 to 6.4 GHz. It has a small form factor of 3 cubic inches and is ideal for C-band telemetry and military communications.
Below are some of the new switches, filters, duplexers, dividers and other products being highlighted at the show including some exciting new tunable technologies:
Trilithic Inc. released a small footprint diplexer for the DC to 2000 MHz band. Featuring low pass rejections of 60 dB minimum from 1200 to 2000 MHz and highpass rejections of 60 dB minimum from DC to 800 MHz. This compact mechanical package is rated at 10 W input power, features SMA connectors on all ports, high broadband isolation and wide frequency ranges. High power models are also available.
Reactel featured its growing line of ceramic filters at this year’s show. The company offers these units as both monoblock and resonator designs, and they are suitable for tape and reel packaging. They are also featured their extensive line of notch filters at this year’s show. The company offers these units in a variety of package sizes with power handling capabilities exceeding 1 kW.
M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. introduced a new family of surface mount broadband 2 to 20 GHz HMICTM PIN diode switches for Test Instrumentation, Satellite and other wide frequency range applications.
They also introduced a new family of LTE and TD-SCDMA bandwidth solutions for its Circulator and Isolator products. The new products offer low insertion loss and high isolation, combined with good inter-modulation performance for base station development. The LTE range is offered in Drop-in format, while TD-SCDMA incorporates both SMT and Drop-In configurations.
Hittite Microwave Corp., a supplier of complete MMIC-based solutions for communication and military markets, continues to expand its Power Detector product line to include an extensive range of industry-leading RMS Power Detectors, Logarithmic Detectors and SDLVAs that cover the entire 50 Hz to 20 GHz frequency range with best-in-class performance. Hittite now offers 13 Power Detector products.
RF Micro Devices Inc. announced the expansion of the Company's WiFi product portfolio to include four new switch and switch/LNA products: the RF5500, RF5501, RF5510 and RF5511. The new family of front end solutions is designed to address the need for high performance and continued size reductions in mobile WiFi applications, including cellular handsets, personal navigation devices (PNDs), digital cameras and MP3 players.
Aeroflex/Inmet introduced a new family of Wilkinson Power Dividers to complement its current offering of resistive divider models. The new units are two-way SMA models and are of octave and multi-octave designs covering the popular bands of 0.5 to 1, 0.8 to 2.5, 1 to 2 and 2 to 4 GHz. All models are currently available from stock.
By applying proven, patented UltraCMOS™ process and HaRP™ switch technologies, Peregrine Semiconductor developed DuNE™ technology, a new design methodology used to design digitally tunable capacitors (DTCs). Supporting a wide range of tuning applications—from tuning the center frequency of mobile-TV and cellular antennas to tunable impedance matching and filters—DuNE products offer power handling, performance, and size advantages that are unrivaled by any other commercially-available digital tuning technology.
Peregrine released the latest in the new UltraCMOS Digital Step Attenuator (DSA) 50Ω series. Building on their high-performance predecessors, along with direct and latched parallel interface logic, these new HaRP™-enhanced devices also offer highly flexible serial programmability with attenuation options covering a 7.75 (PE43501) and 15.75 dB (PE43601) attenuation range in 0.25 dB steps.
Peregrine announced the release of its newest UltraCMOS RFIC, the 50-ohm PE4150 quad MOSFET core device, ideal for mixer designs requiring low conversion loss and high linearity such as portable radios operating in bands from UHF through 900 MHz. The UltraCMOS process is really expanding into many areas.
Endwave Corp. announced that its advanced E-band TX/RX pair is now available in high volumes. Endwave’s transmit-receive (TX/RX) module pair is a uniquely integrated subsystem that incorporates several Endwave innovations. They operate over the E-band frequency spectrum from 71 to 86 GHz and are designed for broadband point-to-point radios carrying voice and data traffic at multi-gigabit per second rates. With several prototypes working effectively in the field, first volume production runs have begun.
Avago Technologies, a supplier of analog interface components for communications, industrial and consumer applications, announced the addition of an environmentally ‘green’ PCS FBAR Band Duplexer to its series of miniature duplexers. The ACMD-7409 duplexer, which was designed using Avago’s own FBAR technology, targets designers of PCS handsets, and data terminals operating in the US PCS frequency band.
The RLC Electronics’ Micro Miniature SMA Switch is a single pole two position type. The switch incorporates SMA connectors to allow high density packaging and excellent electrical performance through 26.5 GHz. The switch is available in failsafe and latching configurations with a choice of three different frequency ranges and three different coil voltages.
XMA Corp. announces the addition of its 20RP-6018-XXX 2 way Resistive Power Divider, which is rated for 2 W input power.
Teledyne Relays has introduced the SRF300/SRF303 series of ultraminature broadband TO-5 relays.
Pole/Zero introduced its Extended Range Filter, a digitally tunable, two-pole bandpass filter providing continuous coverage from 30 to 512 MHz. And achieving cosite interference protection in environments of multiple VHF/UHF tactical transceivers is now a reality through Pole/Zero’s introduction of the Mega-Pole high power (50 Watt) electronically tunable filter product line. When placed between the antenna and transceiver, the Mega-Pole yields excellent selectivity with minimal insertion loss, even in frequency hopping modes of operation.
JQL Electronics Inc. announced its new Thincore™ waveguide isolators and circulators.
SiGe Semiconductor expanded its Wi-Fi product range by introducing the SE2571U Front End Module that is specifically targeted at embedded applications including cellular handsets, gaming, digital cameras and personal media players (PMP). The SE2571U has been designed to address the specific challenges faced by OEMs needing to operate "direct to battery", and to improve performance, while addressing consumer led demand for coexistence with UMTS radios.
Spectrum Microwave's FilterXpress program delivers real filters, real fast. By entering your filter's unique requirements, including the passband and rejection points, FilterXpress responds with up to 12 designs from Spectrum's exhausting library of filter designs.
Sangshin Elecom, a supplier of ceramic filters, released its full line of broadband wireless and WiMAX filters. Features of Sangshin’s WiMAX/BBW product offering include: Frequency ranges of 2.0 to 6.0 GHz; Bandwidth: narrow band through ultra wide bands available; Configurations: 2.5 mm through 6 mm heights available and 2 through 6 pole designs; Footprint compatibility. Sangshin Elecom also presents a wideband 3.5 GHz monoblock filter for WiMAX applications. The MBP34RC3550S500A covers from 3300 to 3800 MHz and offers 35 dB rejection from 2300 to 2700 MHz. This filter offers 1.5 dB of IL in a small package size that measures 11 mm x 5.6 mm x 6 mm.
UltraSource Inc. announced the release of the new UltraVia™. This addition to the company's UltraTechnologies product line, which consists of the UltraCapacitor™, the UltraBridge™, and the UltraInductor™, is the next generation of integrated thin film via connection technology. The UltraVia uses a unique process and provides void-free construction featuring a high quality bond of the gold plug material to the ceramic sidewall. The pure gold construction of the UltraVia allows for maximum thermal conductivity and superior electrical performance.
Murata Electronics North America, an innovator in electronics and the largest global supplier of ceramic passive components, introduced the world's smallest radio frequency (RF) switch connector. The new SWG series allows reliable RF circuit testing throughout the entire product life-cycle yet measures only 2.0mm x 2.0mm x 0.9mm. It also boasts an expanded frequency range currently not found in today's electronics industry. The enhanced connector saves space on the printed circuit board (PCB) making it ideal for numerous portable devices, high frequency measurement equipment and is well suited for WiFi, WiMAX, 4G, Bluetooth, ZigBee and UWB wireless standards.
StratEdge announced the release of its new high-frequency SMX Series surface-mount package. The new DC to 30 GHz package is designed for use in test and measurement, VSAT, point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, WiMAX, and other applications where a high-frequency, surface-mount package is desired.
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. announces that Richardson Electronics, Ltd. will now sell Gore’s high-performance line of Test & Measurement Microwave/RF Cable Assemblies.
"Richardson and Gore have built a strong relationship around Gore’s ePTFE and PTFE material technology bringing solutions for EMI grounding and shielding," says Mark Mulle, Global Channel Leader for Gore. "We are excited to bring the same technical leadership of Gore's high-performance Microwave/RF Test Cables to the Richardson product offering. Richardson’s global footprint and technically-focused sales team will ensure these products are brought to market with the high level of service customers have come to expect from Richardson."
Times Microwave Systems was showing their PhaseTrack-II cables that are thermally stable for critical applications such as radar and other high performance military systems. Their unique dielectric material does not change phase over the operating temperature so they are stable while offering low loss and light weight.
As the name suggests, the Quick End Launch (QELTM™ SMA) from GigaLane is a connector that can quickly and easily be attached to a PCB in mass production. Its spring-loaded design means that it simply slides onto the PCB and is mechanically fixed according to PCB thickness.
Operating from DC to 13 GHz there are three models in the range: The PSF-S06-000 is for a board clearance of 0.25 to 0.7 mm, the PSF-S06-001 is for a board clearance of 0.8 to 1.3 mm, while the PSF-S06-002 is for a board clearance of 1.4 to 1.9 mm. The unit has an impedance of 50 ohm, a VSWR of 1.25 maximum up to 13 GHz, an operating temperature of between -40°C and 125°C, it can withstand up to 500 mating cycles and is RoHS compliant.
Electronic Assembly Manufacturing Inc. (EAM) recently announced the availability of high performance hand-formable cable assemblies. These cable assemblies provide typical insertion loss of 0.7 dB/ft. at 20 GHz for a 0.141" diameter cable. Typical VSWR is 1.13:1 at 18 GHz. These hand-formable cable assemblies minimize signal losses by means of a PTFE dielectric and they incorporate a copper-tin composite outer conductor to achieve excellent shielding effectiveness of more than 100 dB. They can be easily bent into a desired shape without tools and, once bent, will retain that form with minimal memory effects. In short, EAM's hand-formable cable assemblies provide greater ease of use than factory formed semi-rigid cable assemblies, with little or no sacrifice in electrical performance and at a much lower cost.
San-tron Inc. announced the release of new Type N T connectors, UG-28A/U and UG-107B/U, manufactured with a unique counterbore innovation. San-tron has replaced the miter-cut joining technique with a counterbore joining technique. The counterbore technique saves both time and money in the manufacturing process, benefits of which are transferred to the consumer in the form of low prices.
San-tron also released a UG-58 A/U Type N panel receptacle that features single piece body construction. The seamless UG-58s are manufactured using a custom machine designed and built by San-tron for fully automated assembly.
And San-tron announced the release of a new UG-27 C/U, the first right angle adapter to feature solderless construction. The solder-free construction offers dependability equal to a straight plug while achieving 90° bends. The solder-free adapters also address ROHS compliancy issues by reducing lead content.
Following on from the ProtoLaser S LPKF Laser & Electronics launched the ProtoLaser U, which is a highly flexible laser-based depaneling and routing system. Non-contact cutting with a laser means no mechanical stress for both the board and its components, no debris, the ability to cut intricate shapes, high accuracy and the placing of components close to the edge of the board.
The system uses diode pumped UV laser technology, which allows a cold ablation process and clean sidewalls. The ProtoLaser U is designed for users that demand high grade flexibility and its small footprint and Laser Class 1 safety rating makes it suitable for almost any location. It works straight off CAD data and does not require artwork related tooling, minimizing changeover time and cost. The ProtoLaser U has a high cutting speed, making the system suitable for flex, rigid and rigid-flex circuits and a fiducial camera provides instant fiducial recognition of the entire working area.
Pascall Electronics showcased its OCXO and OCXOF series. The former is designed to meet the increasing demand for high performance reference oscillators. Oven-controlled SC-cut crystals are used to give good temperature stability combined with the lowest possible phase noise.
The new OCXOF Series offers the same very low close-in phase noise combined with an even lower noise floor and higher output power. This extra-low noise floor is achieved by maintaining high signal levels within the output amplifier. The signal is taken from the oscillator in a way which maximizes the power into the amplifier while using the resonator to reduce far-from-carrier noise.
The OCXOF Series is suitable for driving ultra-low-noise frequency multipliers, phase detectors and mixers. Its high output power means that an additional drive amplifier will not normally be needed, thereby eliminating another source of noise. The company also announced that later in the year it will be launching an ultra low noise frequency generator up to X-band.
Crystek introduced the new RF Pocket Reference Oscillator (RFPRO Series), the industry’s first frequency control product to integrate a complete True SineWave SAW (surface acoustic wave) oscillator in a rugged SMA housing. Connecting the RFPRO Series’ female SMA side to +3.3Vdc will output a clean -135 dBc/Hz phase noise signal at 10 khz offset. In effect, each RFPRO is a fixed-frequency portable signal generator.
Synergy Microwave Corporation introduced a new line of tiny (0.3"x0.3"x0.1") broadband and optimized band VCO's. Products range in bandwidths up to one octave, starting from 0.5 to 12 GHz. Also introduced was a new line of intelligent synthesizers packaged in 0.6"x0.6"x0.185" that can be tuned for wide bandwidth or self-programmed to single frequency. Synergy also introduced a new ultra-low phase noise voltage controlled oscillator, ideal for cock translator applications, having ultra-low phase noise performance approaching -147 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset. The first model developed operates at 870 MHz. Other models are coming soon.
EM Research was showing off their miniature, low-cost frequency synthesizer, MLC-2630, operating over 2550-2630 MHz. They have phase noise (2.6 GHz) of less than -115 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz and less than -135 dBc/Hz a 1 MHz.
Nanjing Jiexi Microwave Electronic Products Co., Ltd is an RF component supplier and custom made system solution provider. Featured on the booth were the microwave and millimeter wave series. This complete product line covering a frequency range from 0.1 to 40 GHz includes power amplifiers, LNAs and signal generators, program switch, program phase shifter, program attenuator, mixers and detectors, power dividers, couplers, filters, microwave antennas and microwave subsystems.
Also showcased were the company’s RF coaxial Series, JRF Series Chip Microwave Resistors and the Commercial Telecom Series which covers the 250 to 3,800 MHz frequency range.
Orient Microwave announced the opening of a new 320 M2, Class 1000 clean room and a new anechoic chamber to facilitate the expansion of its product portfolio. These are specifically high quality RF and microwave products for commercial and military markets.
In particular the company showcased its wide range of RF coaxial connectors, adaptors, cable assemblies, terminators, attenuators, power dividers, filters, switches, phase shifters, circulators and isolators.
75 ohm BNC HDTV connectors and new composite N-connectors were featured on the Radiall booth. The evolution from analog TV to higher quality video systems (HDTV) has created the need for improved connector cable assembly performance. This requirement has been addressed with the new line of ‘true’ 75 ohm BNC connectors, which are specifically designed to handle higher data rates up to 1.48 Gbits/s with an optimized electrical performance at 3 GHz and working frequency range up to 6 GHz.
Because of its composite structure the company’s new N-connector does not corrode, is UV resistant and is lightweight. The connectors have a frequency range from DC to 11 GHz, operate in a temperature range from -40° to +85°C, are waterproof to IP67 and can withstand up to 500 mating cycles.
A.T. Wall Co. featured a range of precision-drawn, high-quality waveguide tubing at the show. Highlighted products include Invar waveguide, thin wall aluminum waveguide, and seamless flexible waveguide.
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Renaissance Electronics was showing off their LTE/WiMAX repeaters for pt to pt and pt to multi pt deployment. They operate from 3650-3700 MHziwth gain adjustment in .5 dB steps, NF of 3.5 dB and EVM less than 2%.
NXP, the independent semiconductor company founded by Philips, recently underpinned its leadership in radio frequency with highly advanced QUBIC4 BiCMOS silicon technology, delivering higher levels of integration and performance at high frequencies, all in a cost-effective way. NXP’s commitment to furthering the development of QUBIC4 BiCMOS will now enable future generations of RF products such as low noise amplifiers, medium power amplifiers and LO generators for e.g. mobile phones and communications infrastructure equipment to operate at a higher performance level.
Tahoe RF is a provider of RF/Analog IC design services for next generation wireless solutions. Previously part of IBM Wireless IC Product Group, they have been around since 2002. They maintain complete design skills to support all phases of RFIC design.
Rogers Advanced Circuit Materials (ACM) Division announced its new reverse-treated copper foil option on RO4000® series laminates. The RO4000 LoPro™ laminates are enabled by special interface technology to be made with very low profile reverse-treat copper foil while maintaining copper peel strength equal to or better than standard RO4000 materials. RO4000 LoPro laminates combine the best in class electrical and thermo-mechanical reliability of RO4000 laminates with improved insertion loss and outstanding passive intermodulation (PIM) characteristics.
Arlon EP2 enhanced polyimide is the next generation of polyimide and prepreg products engineered for improved processing and performance for applications requiring high reliability and improved signal integrity.
Nuvotronics was showing off their 2-way power divider, 40011 Milimite™. It is a 10 to 40 GHz small footprint divider with typical insertion loss of .2 dB and typical isolation of 20 dB. It can be used for phased arrays, antenna feed networks, image reject mixers, test systems and LO power dividers.
Herotek has a new low leakage level limiter series covering 10 MHz to 18 GHz. The maximum input power is 1 W CW and 100 W peak with optional leakage levels of -10, -5, 0 and +5 dBm.
Hozworth has a new ultra low noise synthesizer with 4 or 8 channels and bandwidth of 8 MHz to 1-6 GHz. The phase noise is as low as -151 dBc/Hz and phase drift of less than .5 deg (channel-channel). They also have a high speed phase noise test system operating from 8 MHz to 4 GHz. The real time measurement system read the frequency and power levels.
Norden Millimeter was highlighting their 41-42 GHz frequency up and down converters with IF of 11.7-12.3 GHz and LO of 9.6-9.9 GHz with LO drive of 0 to +3 dBm. LO & IF are SMA and RF is WR-2 in a package size of 0.6" X 1.2" X 3.64".