e2v has sponsored the first School on Instrumentation which has taken place at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. The EIRO Forum School of Instrumentation (ESI) is a biannual event, jointly organized by the Instrumentation Working Group of the EIRO forum (made up of the seven large European intergovernmental research organizations including the European Space Agency). The scientific program of ESI addresses all aspects of instrumentation related to the missions of the EIRO forum organizations.
The objective of ESI is to teach detector physics and the basic principles of instrumentation to around 70 young graduate students and post-docs in physics and engineering, mainly from the EIRO organizations. A number of the places have been reserved for particularly talented (PhD) students from outside the EIRO organizations who work on instrumentation topics.
Dr. Christian Joram from the CERN Physics Department said, “ESI closes a long standing gap in the European training landscape. The first school offered great training opportunities for our junior researchers and allowed for an exceedingly active exchange between the more than 30 senior researchers from the EIRO organizations who gave a broad spectrum of high quality courses.”
Brian McAllister, general manager of the Imaging Division at e2v said, “We are proud to support this school which is developing the future designers of instrumentation to serve future space missions and science projects.”