Carlson Wireless Technologies announced the release of the LongHaul™ 5x point-to-point microwave Ethernet radio. The LongHaul™ is the first product from Carlson’s next generation family of radios (SWiFT™). The radio operates in the license-exempt 5.2, 5.4 and 5.8 GHz frequency bands as well as the licensed 4.9 GHz Public Safety band.
Combining WiFi architecture with the best features of WiMAX and WiLDNet, Carlson Wireless developed the SWiFT platform to overcome the distance and performance limitations of IP-based traffic providing constant user data throughput of over 32 Mbps on point-to-point links up to 100 miles.
SWiFT provides a low fixed latency (bounded delay) of 6 milliseconds that eliminates packet collisions or lost data during transmission. This allows the LongHaul to provide very high QoS for VoIP, streaming media, online gaming, smart grid and other user datagram protocol (UDP) intensive applications at all distances.
The LongHaul derives inspiration from Intel’s World Ahead Rural Connectivity Platform (RCP) which was developed to deliver internet service to remote areas worldwide. “Our intention was to adapt this long distance, low power consumption technology to the commercial arena,” said Jim Carlson, CEO. “This provides an extremely cost-effective and robust backhaul option for numerous applications such as rural broadband and VoIP systems for public safety agencies and WISPs.”
Developed and manufactured in the US, the LongHaul is available in weatherproof outdoor or indoor rackmount enclosures. Using less than 6 W, the radios are easily powered by solar or commercial power equipment. Built-in 23 dB antennas are also available.