Lockheed Martin has teamed with ITT Corp., Morgan Hill, CA, to compete for the US Navy’s Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program Block 2 Upgrade (SEWIP BLK2). This program will lay the groundwork for the upcoming competition for the Navy’s next-generation electronic warfare system. In at-sea demonstrations this summer, the Lockheed Martin/ITT team’s Integrated Common Electronic Warfare System (ICEWS)—a single enterprise solution designed to scale across all ship classes in the US Navy’s surface fleet—performed successfully. This ICEWS demonstration followed land-based testing and further validated the enterprise approach that the team has taken in developing sensor systems for US Navy vessels.

“The Lockheed Martin/ITT partnership brings more than 40 years of electronic warfare capabilities and experience together in a single team,” observed Carl Bannar, vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin’s Radar Systems business. “We will provide a highly capable, modular solution that uses open systems architecture.”
“We will leverage our existing relationship with Lockheed Martin supporting the AN/BLQ-10 submarine enterprise electronic warfare program to provide the Navy with a strong and experienced supplier,” said Chris Bernhardt, president of ITT Electronic Systems.