The European Microwave Association is pleased to bring you the first European Wireless Technology (EuWiT) conference, formerly ECWT (European Conference on Wireless Technology) which will be held from 27 to 28 October in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, as part of the European Microwave Week. This conference covers a wide range of topics in wireless communications including key technologies, components and subsystems, antennas and propagation, systems and signal processing as well as applications and standards. The conference is an outstanding forum for the presentation and discussion of new developments in the field of wireless communication systems and technologies.
The EuWiT is a conference co-sponsored by EuMA and the IEEE MTT Society. It attracts international experts from academic and industrial backgrounds to discuss recent advances in the wireless communications field.
With research and development on beyond 3G in full swing, wireless technology is a rapidly expanding field with many new challenges, products and services, in particular for systems such as WLAN, Cognitive Radio, UWB, Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, 4G, RFID, Local Positioning, Digital Audio and Video Broadcasting, etc. As part of EuMW, the 2-day EuWiT event brings together researchers and product developers from all over the world to update and share their knowledge.
EuWiT is the premier European forum for the presentation of the current status and future developments trends of wireless technology topics such as development and accurate modelling of antennas, subsystems and components. It also addresses the latest developments in integration, integrated circuits and modules for wireless products and systems. Emphasizing wireless applications and with the rapid emergence of the mobile and adhoc networks, this year among the topics, the wireless networks area is also addressed in the Conference. Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality papers describing original contributions in a wide range of topics in wireless communications.
The conference is an integral part of European Microwave Week.
Accordingly, along with the key areas of wireless activity, the microwave as well as the integrated circuit aspects of wireless technology will be emphasised, and there will be common sessions covering subject matters of mutual interest.
Conference Topics
Applications and Standards
W1 Mobile Communication Systems and their Evolution (Cellular,WLAN, WiMAX, MBWA)
W2 Short Range and Personal Area Networks
W3 RFID and Sensors (Common Topic with EuMC)
W4 Wireless Ad-hoc/Mesh and Sensor Networks
W5 Broadcast Applications (DVB-T/H, DMB)
W6 Wireless Location Systems and location-based services
W7 Vehicular Applications and Intelligent Transportation Systems
Systems and Signal Processing
W8 Adaptable Radio Architectures (Frequency-Agile, Multiband, Multimode, Partitioning, JTRS)
W9 Cognitive Radio and Cognitive Networks
W10 Ultra Wide Band Systems (Common Topic with EuRAD)
W11 Space-time, MIMO, OFDM
W12 Modulation, Coding, Multiple Access
W13 Signal Processing Techniques for Wireless Communications Antennas and Propagation
W14 Smart Antennas, Digital Beam forming, MIMO
W15 Channel Measurement and Modelling for Wireless Systems
W16 Antenna Design, Modelling and Measurement
W17 Integrated Multiband Antennas for Mobile Terminals
Key Technologies, Components and Subsystems
W18 Developments in Transceiver Architectures and Technologies
W19 Mixed Signal ICs and System on Chip (Common Topic with EuMIC)
W20 Low Power Radio Solutions
W21 RF Modules for Wireless Systems
W22 Tuneable and Reconfigurable RF Circuits (Common Topic with EuMC)
W23 Power Amplifiers and Linearisers (Common Topic with EuMC and EuMIC)
W24 RF Impairment Correction, Linearisation
Conference Highlights
A wide range of technical sessions are planned covering, but not limited to, the topics above. The Conference will feature worldclass plenary speakers, focused sessions on hot topics in wireless communications, workshops and short courses. Proposals for focused sessions should be submitted before 2 December 2007 to the EuWiT Chairman.
ECWT Prize
The Technical Programme Committee of the EuWiT and the EuMW Steering Committee will award the EuWiT Prize of €3,000 to the author(s) of the best contributed paper to the EuWiT 2008.
ECWT Young Engineers Prize
The EuWiT Technical Programme Committee and the EuMW Steering Committee will award the Young Engineer Prize of €2,000 to a young engineer or researcher who has presented an outstanding paper at the European Conference on Wireless Technology. To be eligible candidates must be (1) aged 30 or younger at the date of the award, (2) the first author of the paper, (3) the presenter either of an oral or poster session. The number of co-authors should not exceed three. Applicants must state the purpose to which the prize will be put. The successful applicant may use part of the prize to fund attendance at the following year's European Wireless Technology Conference.
Reduced Fees and Special Grants
Reduced fees are implemented for students as well as senior persons aged 65 years or more. The European Microwave Association will also provide up to four student grants consisting of €500 plus the reduced registration fee for the EuWiT. Applications should be sent to the EuWiT Chairman by 1 June 2008.
The European Microwave Association will also provide a number of grants for delegates coming from NIS countries or Russia. The value of the grants is €500 plus the reduced registration fee for the EuWiT. Applications should be sent to the EuWiT Chairman by 1 June 2008.
Dr. H. Nikookar, Associate Professor
IRCTR-Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Co-Chairman and TPC Chairman:
Professor E.R. Fledderus
TNO-ICT and Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands