Company History:
TNO Defence, Security and Safety provides innovative contributions towards the advance of comprehensive security and is a strategic partner of the Dutch Ministry of Defence, with the objective of expanding the defence knowledge-base. We employ this acquired knowledge for and together with contractors. The company focuses on defence in the broadest sense of the word and our involvement covers a range of activities: military operations, military equipment, command & control and operational decision making, threat and protection, and instruction and training. In the area of Security and Safety, the emphasis is on combating crime, catastrophe and terrorism.
TNO Defence, Security and Safety also works for the aviation and maritime sectors, which are markets where our knowledge can be put to good use. In terms of aviation, we concentrate largely on improving safety while for the maritime sector the focus is on naval architecture. We collaborate with the defence industry and with small and medium-sized enterprises to develop innovative solutions.
Company Today
The know how base Front-Ends (F/E) concentrates on the design and development for firstly the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces and secondly for OEMs and ODMs in the field of Electronic systems. The company focuses on integrated key front-end technologies (i.e., radome, FSS, antenna and microwave electronics) for current and future radar and other electronic systems. We specifically focus on array systems that operate at RF frequencies. The combination of the ‘arrayed’ property with the ‘RF’ property means that solutions need to be realised within a limited volume. The main challenges associated to the front-end of these systems are hence integration, electromagnetic coupling and thermal design.
The KHB Front-Ends knows how to combine and design in different technologies and material systems to realise optimal electromagnetic sensor systems by correctly choosing Front-End technology and shows leadership in this field.
Company Product Categories
Our activities include RF miniaturisation, MMIC design and test, semiconductor characterisation, antenna element design, array system design, digital beamforming, microwave photonics, IED protection and sub-system specification.
Contact Information
TNO Defence, Security and Safety
PO.Box 96864, 2509 JG Den Haag
The Netherlands
Phone: Tel: +31 70 374 00 00