Introduction to WLLs: Application and Deployment for Fixed and Broadband Services
Arcadia Publishing
243 pages; $79.95
ISBN: 0-471-45132-0
The primary objective of this book is to provide a system level view of the technical, planning and deployment aspects of wireless local loop (WLL) systems. It also includes an overview of broadband wireless access (BWA) systems that are emerging as an important alternative to fiber, cable modem and copper (digital subscriber loop or DSL) systems to meet the demand for such devices as video on demand, Internet access and high speed data services. Chapter 1 covers the background material including terminology for wireless access systems, history and forecasts for worldwide WLL deployment, advantages and disadvantages of wireless access, and comparison between WLL and cellular mobile systems. Chapter 2 provides some background on fundamental aspects of radio systems relevant for wireless access systems, including such topics as radio spectrum and frequency bands, principles of duplexing and multiple access schemes, source and channel coding, and interleaving. Chapter 3 offers a systems level description of digital cellular mobile and cordless telecommunication systems that provide technical underpinnings for many commercial WLL systems. Chapter 4 covers the system components and interfaces that are generally associated with a WLL system. Chapter 5 addresses the radio design aspects of WLL systems, which cover the radio propagation characteristics, radio path loss and radio link availability. Chapter 6 provides a description of the necessary steps in the planning and deployment of a WLL system, frequency planning and reuse for WLL systems. Chapter 7 is intended to describe a sample of commercially available WLL systems based on existing cellular mobile and cordless telecommunication system standards. Chapter 8 provides a comprehensive overview of currently deployed broadband wireless access systems such as LMDS (local multipoint distribution system) and MVDS (multipoint video distribution system) as well as emerging BWA systems such as IEEE 802.16, ETSI-BRAN HIPERACCESS and satellite-based BWA systems.
To order this book, contact: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030 (201) 748-6000.
Fundamentals of Nonlinear Behavioral Modeling for RF and Microwave Design
Artech House
231 pages; $89, £55
ISBN: 1-58053-775-8
This book has evolved from the highly successful behavioral modeling workshop, “Fundamentals of Nonlinear Behavioral Modeling: Foundations and Applications,” that was organized by the editors and presented at the 2003 International Microwave Symposium. Each chapter of the book is an expanded and self-contained version of the respective workshop presentation. It has the following objectives: first, to present foundational material to the microwave community, from renowned experts in their own disciplines, to catalyze and cross-fertilize present behavioral modeling research in the RF and microwave arena; second, to show recent state-of-the-art applications of behavioral modeling to RF and microwave circuit and system designers. Chapter 2 presents an introduction to the theory of Volterra analysis and shows how it can be used for modeling RF and microwave systems. Chapter 3 describes a treatment of several envelop-domain behavioral models and their identification using a modified Volterra series methodology. This type of modeling approach takes into account the critical multiple time-scale coupled dynamics, generated by RF and microwave blocks simulated by complex signals, such as those used in modern communication systems. Chapter 4 offers mixed time-frequency domain methods for modeling and simulating long-term memory effects in RF and microwave nonlinear circuits and systems. Chapter 5 explains the “scattering functions” black-box frequency domain behavioral modeling technique. Scattering functions are a rigorous nonlinear generalization of (linear) S-parameters under the assumption of superposition for the harmonic components of the signal. Chapter 6 presents artificial neural networks (ANN) as a new tool for nonlinear behavioral modeling. Chapter 7 describes behavioral modeling from the perspective of nonlinear dynamics, which provides a theoretical foundation for a fundamentally nonlinear theory of black-box modeling in the time domain.
To order this book, contact: Artech House, 685 Canton St., Norwood, MA 02062 (781) 769-9750 ext. 4030; or 46 Gillingham St., London SW1V 1HH UK +44 (0) 207-8750.