Fundamentals of Vector Network Analysis

Michael Hiebel
Rohde & Schwarz • 419 pages; €68
ISBN: 978-3-939837-06-0

This book is ideal for beginners in the field of network analysis and supplements the highly specific information provided in operating manuals, application notes and academic papers. It can also serve as a reference book for experts. With this purpose in mind, important terminology has been highlighted in bold print and information has been listed in tabular form where possible. Chapter 1 describes a network analyzer, the most complex and versatile piece of test equipment in the field of RF engineering. Chapter 2 is devoted to the design of a heterodyne N-port network analyzer. Measurement accuracy and calibration is the subject of Chapter 3. Chapter 4 covers some typical measurements that fall under the category of linear measurements. Chapter 5 discusses the fundamental concepts behind time-domain analysis and shows its relation to frequency-domain analysis, with examples of time-domain measurements described in Chapter 6.

Nonlinearity means that ratios such as the S-parameter or the reflection coefficient depend on the applied stimulus level. Nonlinear measurements are explained in Chapter 7. Mixers are components that are used primarily to handle frequency conversion. Chapter 8 discusses the basic principle of a mixer along with the relevant signals and their parameters as well as mixer measurements. Antenna and radar cross-section measurements are the subject of Chapter 9. The author suggests reading Chapter 1 as an introduction. If information on how to perform a specific measurement task is required, Chapters 4, 6, 7 and 8 should be read. If how the instruments are designed and function is sought, Chapter 2 should be read. Chapter 3 should be read to select the right calibration method for the task considered or optimize the accuracy of the test setup.

To order this book, contact:
Rohde & Schwarz
GmbH & Co. KG
Mühldorfstrasse 15
81671 München, Germany

Adaptive Antennas and Phased Arrays for Radar and Communications

Alan J. Fenn
Artech House • 416 pages; $139, £77
ISBN: 978-1-59693-273-9

Adaptive antennas and phased arrays, with rapidly scanned beams or multiple beams, are commonly suggested for radar and communication systems in ground-based, airborne and spaceborne applications that must function in the presence of jamming and other sources of interference. The book starts with a discussion of the fundamentals of adaptive antennas pertaining to radar and communication systems, with an emphasis on consumption of adaptive array degrees of freedom from the jammer’s viewpoint. Displaced phase center antenna array mutual coupling effects in the problem of adaptive suppression of radar clutter is discussed in Chapter 2.

Next, in Chapters 3 through 5, a theoretical foundation for a focused near-field technique that can be used to quantify the far-field adaptive nulling performance of a large aperture adaptive phased-array system is described. Experimental testing of the focused near-field adaptive nulling technique for phased arrays is described in Chapter 6. An experimental high-resolution multiple-beam adaptive-nulling antenna system is described in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 provides an introduction to phased-array theory. In Chapter 9, finite and infinite array analyses and measurements for periodic phased arrays of monopole elements are presented. Chapter 10 describes the focused near-field polarization characteristics of monopole phased arrays. Chapter 11 describes a test bed phased array that implements the displaced phase center antenna technique. The planar near-field scanning method for measuring low-sidelobe radiation patterns of phased arrays is described in Chapter 12. Experimental arrays of horizontally polarized loop-fed slotted cylinder antennas (Chapter 13), dual-polarized dipole arrays (Chapter 14) and ultra-wideband dipole arrays (Chapter 15) are described. In Chapter 16, rectangular waveguide arrays are analyzed.

To order this book, contact:
Artech House
685 Canton St.
Norwood, MA 02062
(781) 769-9750 ext. 4030; or
46 Gillingham St.
London SW1V 1HH, UK
+44 (0) 207-8750