Clean technologies represent a huge component of the future of Silicon Valley. Investment in the sector is growing dramatically from an estimated $917 M in VC funding in 2005 to a projected $19 B by the year 2010. Solar and LED technologies stand to be the areas with the most immediate widespread implications. With legislation looming on the horizon forcing a transition to energy efficient lighting solutions, in developing strategies to deal with the transition now, savvy businesses can create huge opportunities to profit from the change.
Shay Ahmed, a pioneering process engineer of surface-mount technology and the CEO of FlexOne, a company at the forefront of clean technology manufacturing in the solar and LED sectors, stresses the importance optimized manufacturing plays in deriving benefit from the transition to energy efficient technologies. He notes:
• Adapting Existing Processes. LED and solar technology development requires many unique, industry-specific manufacturing processes, but the best ones are designed by taking advantage of manufacturing techniques already used in the industry. Innovative and proprietary manufacturing processes are crucial to the development of LED and solar technology, especially in the areas of thermal management, ruggedness and optical/lensing. Developing these adapted processes are highly efficient, cost-effective and enable domestic manufacturers to stay ahead of their overseas counterparts.
• LED & Solar Obstacles. In the LED and solar sector, limitations in materials science will play a major mitigating role in the development of new technologies. New materials will be required for thermal management, cost efficiency, product life expansion and outdoor ruggedness, as the technology matures. Nanotechnology is expected to play a big role in expanding the realm of what is possible. Allocating resources now to the development of affordable, environmentally-friendly, organic materials, with strong thermal dissipation properties and the ruggedness to sustain 20-30 year life spans, will yield huge benefits in the long run.
• The Advantages of Staying Onshore. As many LED and solar technologies are relatively new, manufacturers have the opportunity to work with OEMs from the concept stage and influence design for manufacturability and cost control. Onshore manufacturing capabilities can prove cost-effective from day one, considering that a new technology will continue to evolve over time. Unlike heavy-outsourced 'mature' industries, in evolving industries keeping production onshore allows design and process changes to occur in real time.
Flex One is a turnkey EMS provider for the LED, solar, medical, aerospace and other industries with high-reliability product needs. FlexOne helps OEMs navigate all the obstacles on the path from prototype to production. Their partial client list includes: JDS Uniphase, HP, Tyco and NASA.