European Microwave Week is the premier high frequency conference and exhibition in Europe. As a key supplier of GaAs and Si transistors, Mitsubishi Electric considers EuMW to be the most important event in Europe for the company. The Week plays a major role in promoting microwave and RF component development. Its venue may be in Europe, but its reputation and attraction is global as the company can testify as a number of research engineers from Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (in Japan) contribute to the conferences each year.
Ever since its inauguration in 1998 European Microwave Week has positioned itself as the key event for a wide range of high frequency and microwave applications. In the field of microwave applications Mitsubishi Electric does not consider any other event to have the same importance in Europe. A contributory factor is the yearly changing locations that keep it fresh and attractive for both academia and industry.
As far as Mitsubishi Electric is concerned the key challenge is to inform industry and research about our new products and technologies. Our aim is to build up new customer relationships and nurture existing ones.
Our stand at European Microwave Week is a key meeting place where valuable customers can have direct contact and interact with our experienced engineers from Mitsubishi Electric Japan. These engineers are also perfectly placed to support our distributors with all relevant information regarding new products or product updates. On show this year will be new products ranging from low noise amplifier to high power GaAs FETs, along with products for TETRA, PMR, RFID, MOSFET and amateur radio. To take a look, visit Stand 902.