J microTechnology is showcasing three new products at MTT-S:

LMS-45 Adjustable Z-Axis Stage. An adaptable pedestal adjustment for its JR-2745 probe station, and standard with the JR-2746 probe station. With the new stage, once a user sets the probe height desired for the device under test (DUT), a user can substitute a device of any thickness and repeatably and easily adjust its height to match that position. Gradations for 2 degree rotation and 0.01 mm height make it extremely precise.

NAT-31 42X-540X Microscope Inspection System with Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0 camera. Based on high clarity zoom optics and an USB 2.0 digital camera, it resolves 1 micron or less features when added to a J microTechnology probe station, thus providing a cost-effective, versatile solution for clinical, life science, materials science, semiconductor and educational professionals, especially those in demanding research environments and teaching facilities.

LMS-2709(S) Laboratory Microprobe Station. This versatile probe station offers high quality RF and DC probe capabilities in a rugged, compact and self-contained package for research, development and education in the area of integrated sensor and semiconductor technology. It is a basic test fixture for prototype characterization of advanced active and passive components, excellent for research and scientific labs, and the ideal tool for educational training of university students in the discipline of both low frequency and microwave microprobing.