EW 103: Tactical Battlefield Communications Electronic Warfare
By: David L. Adamy

The approach David Adamy uses in “EW103 Tactical Battlefield Communications Electronic Warfare” is to simplify the practical aspects of electronic warfare (EW) for the reader. This book, which is part of a series, is a great resource for professionals who are new to the EW field. It starts with a solid introduction to communication signals, receiver and antenna architecture. Other chapters address performance parameters and provide a description of emitter and jammer signals. As a bonus, the book comes with a CD filled with formulas for propagation losses, J-to-S ratio and more. The book also includes a useful slide rule with valuable conversions, including free space attenuation and gain reduction.

Review by: Reena Dahle

ISBN: 9781596933873
Pages: 370
To order this book, contact:
Artech House (2008)