Quantic PMI Model PTP-3D2G-5D625G-9D5G-SFF is a high rejection triplexer with center frequencies of CH 1: 3.2 GHz, CH 2: 5.625 GHz and CH 3: 9.5 GHz in bandwidths of CH 1: 2.8 to 3.6 GHz, CH 2: 5.25 to 6 GHz, CH 3: 8.5 to 10.5 GHz with an insertion loss of 0.8 dB, and a VSWR of 1.8:1.   Unit has SMA female connectors, and the housing size is 2.76” x 2.09” x 0.56”.  https://www.quanticpmi.com/product-details/ptp-3d2g-5d625g-9d5g-sff