Eravant’s in-house cold vacuum (CVAC) test chamber supports component testing at frequencies from DC to 110 GHz using 1.0 mm coaxial feedthrough connectors. Other feedthrough connector types include SMA, 2.92, 2.4 and 1.85 mm. Component tests are performed at temperatures down to 4K (-269°C) using a two-stage Gifford-McMahon cryocooler providing 1 W of second stage cooling power down to 4.2K. The cryocooler’s second stage is attached to an OFHC cold plate that is surrounded by a mirror-finished radiation shield connected to the first stage. Shield temperatures as low as 60K can be achieved to minimize the heat contribution from internal radiation. The chamber is equipped with silicon diode temperature sensors and a vacuum pressure transducer that feeds digital temperature and vacuum controllers. The controllers include communication interfaces that enable fully-automated testing and provide data logging capabilities.
Vacuum levels as low as 10-8 Torr are possible for low-power components. Achievable temperatures and vacuum levels depend on the component heat dissipation and the number of signal feedthroughs. With an array of KF-50, KF-40, KF-25 and KF-16 access ports, the chamber provides a test volume of 7.5 x 7.5 x 7.5 in. Eravant uses the CVAC chamber to develop components for military and space applications that demand reliable low temperature performance and zero low pressure outgassing. Eravant offers CVAC chamber access along with an array of advanced test equipment to support S-parameter, conversion gain, phase noise, noise figure and device linearity measurements.
Eravant is dedicated to making mmWave technology accessible and affordable for developers of new applications. Our decades-long record of innovation and efficient production enables us to help customers test their ideas quickly and transition more directly toward commercialization.
Eravant (formerly Sage Millimeter Inc.)
Torrance, Calif.