The Design of CMOS Radio-frequency Integrated Circuits: Second Edition
Thomas H. Lee
Cambridge University Press • 815 pages; $80
ISBN: 0-521-83539-9

Since publication of the first edition of this book in 1998, RF CMOS has made a rapid transition to commercialization. Back then, the only notable examples of RF CMOS circuits were academic and industrial prototypes. Today, the situation is quite different, with many companies now manufacturing RF circuits using CMOS technology and with universities around the world teaching at least something about CMOS as an RF technology. This second edition now includes a chapter on the fundamentals of wireless systems. A few illustrative systems—such as IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN, second- and third-generation cellular technology and emerging technologies such as ultra-wideband (UWB)— are briefly examined. The chapter on passive RLC components now directly precedes a much-expanded chapter on passive IC components, rather than following it. The chapter on CMOS device physics has likewise been updated to reflect recent scaling trends. The related chapter on LNA design includes a detailed discussion of our much-improved understanding of MOS noise mechanisms at radio frequencies. In another rearrangement, the chapter on feedback now precedes that on power amplifiers in order to establish principles necessary for understanding several linearization methods. The chapter on power amplifiers has been greatly expanded to include much more on the subject of techniques for linearization and efficiency enhancement. The chapter on transceiver architectures now includes much more detailed coverage of the direct conversion architecture. Persistent, dedicated work by a host of determined engineers has overcome many of the daunting challenges that underlie the pessimism expressed in the first edition. Significant refinements, clarifications and corrections have been applied to nearly all the chapters, thanks to a wealth of ongoing research.
To order this book, contact: Cambridge University Press
100 Brook Hill Drive
West Nyack, NY 10994-2133
(845) 353-7500
Hybrid CMOS: Single-Electron-Transistor Device and Circuit Design
Santanu Mahapatra and Adrian Mihai Ionescu
Artech House • 229 pages; $129, £78
ISBN: 1-59693-069-1

This book addresses, from an engineering perspective, the basic physics and the new designs and functionality that can be supported by single-electron devices. Rather than suggesting this new technology as a replacement solution for silicon CMOS, the authors foresee, with some concrete examples and arguments, the hybridization of single-electron devices and MOS transistors to address some of the great challenges associated with nanoscale integrated circuits. Chapter 1 introduces the reader to the CMOS scaling principles and limits, and the appearance of the single electronic field. Single-electron transistor (SET) and MOSFET devices are compared from the perspective of device operation and some of their complementary characteristics are highlighted. In Chapter 2, the state-of-the-art in the simulation of a single-electron device is reviewed, along with the related physics. It is shown that advanced single-electron circuit design requires the development of compact models and one such successful model (MIB) is presented in detail and discussed. Chapter 3 discusses SET logic circuits and the MIB model is used to illustrate the circuit configurations with realistic simulations. Static currents in SET inverters and related power dissipation are estimated and analyzed. Chapter 4 deals with the concept of the hybridization of the SET and CMOS. It discusses co-simulation and co-design issues for hybrid circuits and proposes a CAD framework, including examples. Chapter 5 addresses the application of the SET for developing multiple valued logic and memory. It is demonstrated that single electronic implementation can outperform CMOS alternatives for such applications. Chapter 6 introduces the reader to the fabrication of SET devices with nanoscale features. Despite the fact that no industrial SET technology is available today, the reported progress in the field is very significant.
To order this book, contact: Artech House
685 Canton St.
Norwood, MA 02062
(781) 769-9750 ext. 4030; or 46 Gillingham St.
London SW1V 1HH, UK
+44 (0) 207-8750