Microwave Engineering and Applications in Energy Systems
Abdullah Eroglu

Abdullah Eroglu’s Microwave Engineering and Applications in Energy Systems comprehensively addresses RF and microwave communication technologies and the components that make up these systems. This book sheds light on the fundamentals of RF and microwave theory and design, along with emerging technologies expanding RF and microwave engineering technology for applications in energy systems focused on wireless power transfer, energy harvesting and HVAC systems. It consists of 13 chapters that provide fundamental theory, real-world engineering applications and examples, including design, simulation and prototype development.

These chapters address electromagnetic (EM) fundamentals, Maxwell’s equations, the Smith chart, scattering parameters and impedance-matching techniques. After discussing the fundamentals, chapters go into passive and active circuits, looking at RF filters, waveguides, antenna and power amplifier designs. The final chapters of the book look at emerging RF and microwave engineering technologies and their applications in energy systems focused on energy harvesting, HVAC systems and future directions. The language in the book is easy to understand with designs explained in detail, enabling readers to have a better understanding of the theory through real-world engineering application examples.

Practical experimentation is validated by theory, simulation and measurements. The content and approach of the subject are dealt with very well. With a prerequisite calculus background and knowledge of Maxwell’s equations, this book will be helpful for students and practical engineers who want to enhance their knowledge and technical design skills. Overall, the content of this book will enable readers to have a better understanding of the theory through real-world engineering application examples.

Reviewed by: Ajay Poddar

ISBN: 978-1-119-26879-6
640 pages
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Wiley (May 2022)