Quantic PMI Model PDVAN-8018-60-8-OPT25DBM is an 8-Bit digital programmable attenuator that operates over the frequency range of 8 to 18 GHz. This model offers low loss of 3.6 dB typically and an attenuation range of 60 dB. This model Handles input power levels up to +25 dBm CW and signal levels up to +30 dBm CW without damage. The attenuation flatness over frequency is less than ±1.6 dB at full attenuation. Switching speed is <800 ns. Housing is 2.0” x 1.8” x 0.5” and has SMA connectors. https://www.quanticpmi.com/product-details/pdvan-8018-60-8-opt25dbm