The 27th annual Components for Military & Space Electronics (CMSE) Conference & Exhibition will be held in Los Angeles, Calif., April 30 – May 2, 2024. CMSE is the industry’s premier forum designed to present best practices for component and project engineers, quality assurance and supply chain personnel engaged in military and space electronic systems. The full conference program, which includes more than 25 technical presentations and a panel discussion focused on alternate grade parts delivered by leading industry experts from around the world, as well as two keynote addresses, will be presented at the Four Points by Sheraton (LAX).

“We are bringing the active and passive communities together, under one roof. CMSE is where component engineers meet.” said Thomas Green, CMSE program chairman. “Component engineering is an underserved discipline in the field of military and space electronics. At this conference we discuss a diverse group of problems that face a component engineer.”

In addition to delivering a conference experience focused on high quality technical talks, panel discussions, keynotes, exhibits and tutorials that foster maximum attendee participation, CMSE 2024 is inviting all students, Ph.D. candidates and young professionals (three years since graduation) an opportunity to participate in CMSE at no charge to learn more about microelectronics and careers in the military and aerospace industry.