Marvin Test Solutions’ GENASYS Semi is the most advanced open-architecture semiconductor device test platform in the industry, eclipsing proprietary “big iron” semiconductor test systems with exceptional configuration flexibility, test speed, measurement performance and ease of use. The TS-900e-5G Series is the first production 5G mmWave semiconductor device test solution capable of providing vector-correlated, gap-free measurement performance across the entire frequency band to 53 GHz. Featuring Keysight PXIe VNA instrumentation and supporting up to 20 independent, parallel measurement channels, the TS-900e-5G delivers exceptional measurement performance, repeatability and scalability.

The modular, open platform architecture delivers exceptional flexibility when faced with changing test needs. It simplifies digital, analog and RF test resource expansion and updates. The compact design can be configured as a benchtop system or with an integrated manipulator without impacting measurement performance or system throughput. The innovative test interface delivers proven, repeatable high performance connectivity to the device under test, with field-configurable receiver interface pin blocks that enable users to easily upgrade the receiver interface as test needs change or new application requirements emerge. From DC to mmWave, GENASYS Semi can do it all.

GENASYS Semi solutions are compatible with industry-standard probe stations, device handlers like Opus 3, TEL and Seiko Epson E8040/ E8080 and manipulators like Reid-Ashman OM-1069 and inTest. This approach simplifies integration into existing production facilities. It also meets the high throughput production demands of outsourced semiconductor assembly and test.

All GENASYS Semi solutions include the ATEasy® Test Executive and Integrated Development Environment. This provides an easy-to-use software development environment and integrated, customizable test executive for execution, sequencing, debugging and fault analysis of tests. Additionally, it provides a full suite of digital and parametric test capabilities, allowing users to quickly develop and maintain test applications.

Marvin Test Solutions
Irvine, Calif.