Anritsu Company introduces the 5G New Radio Licensed 6 GHz Band Measurement MX800010A-014 software that extends the measurement capability of its Radio Communication Test Station MT8000A. With the software installed, the MT8000A can conduct RF tests in the 6 GHz band (5.925 GHz to 7.125 GHz) to accurately evaluate TRX characteristics, performance, and other properties of 5G Frequency Range 1 (FR1)  devices.

Anritsu developed the software to support 3GPP Release 17, which extends the 6 GHz band to address the continual increase in mobile data traffic. The World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) agreement to assign the upper 6 GHz band (6.425 GHz to 7.125 GHz) to the licensed bands of 5G FR1 is also supported by the software.

RF performance of 5G FR1 devices depends on the frequency in use. The MT8000A covers RF tests in the 6 GHz band to ensure devices perform according to standards and specifications in respective countries deploying services using 6 GHz licensed bands.

MT8000A Supports FR1 and FR2

The new software further positions the Radio Communication Test Station MT8000A as a comprehensive single solution to verify performance of 5G devices. It provides all-in-one support for RF measurements, protocol tests and applications tests in FR1 and Frequency Range 2 (FR2) mmWave bands.

Combining the Test Station with an over-the-air chamber enables millimeter-wave band RF measurements and beamforming tests using call connections specified by 3GPP. An intuitive, state-machine-based GUI supports various application measurements, including handover tests and quasi-normal and abnormal network tests. Additionally, maximum IP data throughput can be measured for a wide variety of band, CA and MIMO combinations.