Wireless technology is advancing and creating new challenges on two fronts. Packages are becoming smaller, more complex and are having to deal with multiple bands and technologies. Meanwhile, large antennas are increasing in geometric complexity and are being used in ever more challenging environments. Having the ability to take on the modeling, simulation and optimization of all wireless situations within the same software and interface is one of the chief goals of CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® (CST MWS) version 2006B and potentially a huge benefit to the wireless engineer. CST’s multiple solver technology has been developed with some of the world’s foremost authorities in numerical techniques making it a highly competitive, fast and accurate tool. Working within one familiar environment reduces modeling errors and design risk while enabling the engineer to choose the most appropriate method to solve his application.

CST will be promoting this “complete technology” at the 2007 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS). The company’s push on “complete technology” makes use of modern numerical techniques to cover the complete range of wireless applications and solve them in the fastest and most accurate way possible, all from the same interface. This technology will be shown in the exhibition and in a conference paper entitled “A Novel Communication System for Wireless Transmission Operating at 14.9 MHz,” which will demonstrate the wide applicability of CST MWS to the wireless industry. This application makes use of the built-in frequency domain solver which is very well suited to lower frequency (or electrically small) and narrow band devices.
Although the frequency domain is well suited to the above example, the built-in time domain solver would be much better suited to a large, broadband or UWB antenna and will solve it in a fraction of the time. This is because in the time domain a single pulse of energy excites the system containing all the frequencies of interest, and so one simulation gives the broadband result. Completing the “complete technology” picture is an integral solver that has been developed for very large structures so that antenna interoperability on an aircraft can be studied for example.