This eBook contains five articles describing aspects of EMC testing, which is the means used to validate EMC among the near infinite possibility of co-located systems. The first article reviews the characteristics of mmWave propagation, how mmWave signals are generated, their applications and the measurement challenges when identifying and characterizing potential interferers. The next addresses one of the core challenges faced by companies offering EMC testing: long test times reduce the availability of the test facility and limit the number of devices that can be certified, reducing testing revenue. The article describes an approach to accelerate testing without reducing the accuracy of the measurement, known as time domain scanning. An application note from AR covers the important factors when selecting a power amplifier for EMC testing, including the type of amplifier for the required power level (e.g., solid-state or tube), modulation capabilities and other requirements such as linearity and the ability to withstand mismatches. The next article assesses the ROI from establishing an in-house EMC test capability using representative costs. The final article presents the rationale and benefits for multi-tone testing. Read this eBook to learn more about these topics.

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