OMMIC announced the introduction of two new circuits in its family of products of control functions for military, civil and telecommunication applications.
The CGY2176AUH is a 6-bit digital attenuator with good performance from 4.5 to 6.5 GHz. Typical insertion loss is 5 dB at 5 GHz. Robust on-chip circuitry provides easy to use CMOS compatible interfacing with low power consumption.
The CGY2177AUH is a 6-bit digital phase shifter with good performance from 4.5 to 6.5 GHz. Typical insertion loss is 5 dB at 5.5 GHz. Robust on-chip circuitry provides easy to use CMOS compatible interfacing with low power consumption.
Using OMMIC’s unique 0.18 μm E/D Mode PHEMT technology allows the design of smart interfacing that is robust and low power consumption. This technology is used for higher volume commercial low noise amplifier production as well as military and space payload applications.
These devices are part of OMMIC’s chip set for active antennas in C-band and X-band that include fully integrated core chip MMICs as well as separate phase shifters, attenuators and amplifier MMICs.