PMI Model No. SBA-218-63DB-6B-SFF is a Switched Bit Attenuator operating from 2.0 to 18.0 GHz with a maximum insertion loss of 7 dB @ 2.0 GHz, 10.5 dB @ 18.0 GHz; attenuation range or 0 to 63 dB with 1 dB resolution; VSWR 2.0:1 maximum; switching speed of 80 ns maximum and input power of +25 dBm CW minimum. Designed to be switched between a low loss state and six set attenuation states. The settings are selected by six independent bit controls. Has removable SMA (F) per MIL-C-39012 and compact size of 1.15" x 0.85" x 0.50".
Switched Bit Attenuator: SBA-218-63DB-6B-SFF