5G, automotive electronics, defense and other applications being addressed by today’s advanced semiconductor devices are faced with increasing thermal challenges. Challenges, if unmet, that can lead to under performance and poor reliability. Microsanj, recognizing the need to address these challenges at the chip level, offers a customer-configurable advanced thermal imaging and analysis system with the functionality necessary for gaining a full understanding of static and time-dependent device thermal behavior. Information that is essential for ensuring long-term reliability and optimal performance of devices and components for 5G, 6G and other high reliability applications.
“Driven by the need for higher power and higher frequency performance, from hand-sets to base stations, 5G and 6G applications are faced with significant thermal challenges. Microsanj offers a field-proven thermal imaging solution that supports integration to an existing RF or mmWave test environment,” said Dr. Mo Shakouri, co-founder and CEO of Microsanj.