Fraunhofer IPMS is part of the newly launched European project quantum large-scale integration with silicon (QLSI), which aims to develop a scalable technology for silicon qubits for quantum computing. Silicon qubits can manipulated and read out quickly and are ideally suited for quantum computing due to their small size, high fidelity and compatibility with industrial manufacturing processes. Silicon qubits have been successfully demonstrated many times in the past; the project is now focusing on demonstrating a 16 qubit chip and developing a scalable technology for industrial implementation. 

Within the four-year project, a consortium of 19 partners with complementary expertise is working together. Fraunhofer IPMS’ Center Nanelectronic Technologies contributes a 4000 m² clean room and its expertise in state-of-the-art, industry-compatible CMOS semiconductor fabrication on 300 mm wafer standard. "We intend to use our know-how and infrastructure to enable highly scalable quantum processors that build on the achievements and advantages of silicon-based semiconductor manufacturing. This concerns, for example, manufacturing processes for nanopatterning, but also material development and electrical manipulation and readout. In close cooperation with Infineon Dresden, RWTH Aachen and FZ Jülich we intend to demonstrate manufacturable and scalable qubit technology on CMOS-compatible wafer level," explained Dr. Benjamin Uhlig, business unit manager for Next Generation Computing at Fraunhofer IPMS.