Compact Waveguide Filters

The WC-Series bandpass filters are compact waveguide filters designed to fit in small spaces. It is the perfect choice if your space is limited. WC-Series is small but has many advantages over standard waveguide bandpass filters. It can achieve very broad bandwidths and for certain situations it can eliminate the need for additional lowpass filters, saving even more space. WC-Series are available as filters or as diplexers.
Exceed Microwave
Wireless M-Bus Range Extender

Following on the success of the LoRa product portfolio, IMST GmbH presents the new LoRaWAN® certified WM-bus range extender to collect wireless M-bus messages from utility meters and forward them to a LoRaWAN® network. This product allows filtering wireless M-bus messages by manufacturer ID (M-field) and sender address (A-field) to select specific groups of meters. The intelligent calendar enables a flexible configuration of events and repetition interval (minutes, hours, days, weeks…).
Broadband 6 to 18 GHz Three-way Power Divider

MECA’s three-way Wilkinson power divider has been optimized for excellent performance covering 6 to 18 GHz (P3S-12.000) with specifications such as isolation of 20 dB min./25 dB typical, VSWR 1.4:1 max., 0.7 dB max. insertion loss and amplitude balance of 0.4 dB max. All in a compact package of 1”x 1.5”x 0.4”. Made in the USA, 36 month warranty.
MECA Electronics Inc.
Directional Coupler

Model D13N010670 is a 1 to 67 GHz DC pass ultra-wideband directional coupler. Over the very wide 1 to 67 GHz frequency range, it has 13±1.8 dB max. coupling, 3.7 dB max. insertion loss, ±1.5 dB coupling flatness, 1.9:1 max. VSWR, 16 dB typ. and 7 dB min. directivity. The component can stand for 12 W CW which is limited by 1.85 mm connector, has DC pass function. The size is 88.9 x 12.7 x 17.8 mm (3.5 x 0.5 x 0.7”), working temperature range is -54°C to +85°C.
Fuzhou MIcable Electronic Technology Co. Ltd.
Lowpass Filter Rejects

Mini-Circuits’ model LFCW-103+ is a low temperature cofired ceramic lowpass filter with broad passband from DC to 10 GHz. The passband insertion loss is typically 1.5 dB while rejection of unwanted signals is typically 40 dB from 10 to 26.5 GHz. Typical passband VSWR is 1.02:1 at 100 MHz, 1.10:1 at 1 GHz and 1.45:1 at 10 GHz. The RoHS-compliant, 50 Ω lowpass filter is supplied in a compact 0603 enclosure measuring just 0.063 x 0.032 x 0.024 in. It is designed to handle input power levels of typically as high as 4 W at room temperature and features an operating temperature range of -55°C to +100°C.
Hi-Q/Low ESR Capacitors

PPI is known for their outstanding customer service, high-quality product line, competitive pricing and quick delivery times. While other companies are pushing out their lead-times for product delivery, PPI is committed to delivering its quality components as quickly as possible. As PPI tries to keep a full inventory in stock, depending on the component and quantities needed, delivery times can be stock to eight weeks.
Passive Plus Inc.
Hybrid Couplers

Pasternack has just expanded its line of RF hybrid couplers with new models that meet the demands for higher frequency components. Pasternack’s hybrid coupler line expansion consists of 21 new models with a high frequency operating range of up to 40 GHz for wide band applications. These coaxial designs feature SMA and 2.92 mm connectors. They are ideal for RF applications that require an even split of input and output ports with 90-degree or 180-degree phase shifts while maintaining high isolation between the ports.
Absorptive Pin Diode Switch

PMI Model No. P16T-250M18G-60-T-512-SFF-DEC-1W is a single pole, sixteen throw absorptive pin diode switch (SP16T) configuration that operates from 0.25 to 18 GHz. typ insertion loss of 7 dB and 60 dB of isolation; switching speed rise/fall - 50 ns typ/10 ns typ, delay on/off - 150 ns max; power handling +30 dBm CW, 10 W Peak, 1 µs; VSWR in/out: 2.0:1 typ., 2.5:1 max; and is controlled with four-bit decoded TTL logic. Unit size is 8 x 3. x 0.65” and contains SMA (F) removable connectors.
Planar Monolithics Industries Inc.
Tiny 3.5 GHz Couplers

RFMW announces design and sales support for surface mount couplers from RN2. The RN2 CMX35 series of couplers offer power handling and coupling factor options for 3.5 GHz, 5G radio systems. Offered in three different sizes, the P series is the smallest at 2 x 1.25 mm. The variety of sizes, power handling and coupling factors offer splitting and combining in standard and Doherty power amplifier designs, RSSI circuits and feedback loops for 5G NR.