Pixus Technologies now offers MIL-rugged rackmount enclosures that support deeper modules than the standard 160 mm depth of OpenVPX.
Many designers utilize OpenVPX or its general mechanicals for their designs. Combining advanced RF or other device capability into the standard sized modules for the VITA 46/48 architecture is not always practical. To support this trend, Pixus has developed both 19” commercial and rugged rackmount chassis with special card guide trays and deeper card cages.
The front-to-rear cooled enclosures support standard 80 mm rear transition module (RTM) space on the back side of the backplane as well as customized versions for longer RTMs. They are designed to MIL-STD-810 for shock/vibration/environmental and MIL-STD-461 for EMI.
Pixus offers OpenVPX backplanes, chassis platforms and specialty products. The company also provides enclosure solutions in MicroTCA, cPCI Serial, AdvancedTCA, as well as instrumentation case formats.
Pixus Announces Rugged Rackmount Chassis for Longer OpenVPX Modules

Source: Pixus Technologies