Designers are turning to integrated passive components (IPC) to help meet the continuing demand to miniaturize wireless devices while ensuring the reliability of RF circuits, such as filtering, impedance matching, coupling and baluns. IPCs combine multiple discrete passive components into a single surface-mount device - a passive subsystem which complements an RFIC. Manufactured using low temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) technology, which enables passive components to be layered in 3D, IPCs can integrate the functionality of 10 to 40 individual L/C components. With an IPC, the entire front-end between the RF chipset and antenna can be realized in a single, ultra-low profile package - 0.35 to 1 mm thickness - less than 20 percent the total size of the same circuit using discrete components.

Using a proprietary LTCC manufacturing process, Johanson Technology has developed a line of small, highly reliable IPCs for RF systems. These components operate from 300 MHz to 14 GHz and cover the cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Cat-M1, NB-IoT, 5G and GPS bands. Johanson IPCs are available for almost any type of passive circuit, including lowpass, highpass and bandpass filters; diplexers and triplexers; power dividers; couplers, baluns and balun-filter combinations; including EMI filter arrays. IPC solutions have been developed for many of the chipsets from the major semiconductor manufacturers, such as Analog Devices, Nordic Semiconductor, NXP, Qualcomm, Silicon Labs, Texas Instruments and others. If a catalog solution is not available, Johanson can develop a custom design with low development cost.

Using the same LTCC technology, Johanson offers chip antennas for many wireless applications, including 780 to 960 MHz ISM, GNSS, LTE, Bluetooth, 2.4 and 5 GHz Wi-Fi and ultra-wideband (UWB). LTCC chip antennas provide good gain in a very small footprint, well suited for portable wireless devices.

Johanson Technology
Camarillo, Calif.