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Cables and Connectors Special Focus
The March 2025 Cable and Connector special focus eBook has articles covering new developments in interconnects for RF benchtop testing and modular connections for vehicle applications. There are product articles a new connector design for phase stability, high density connectors for testing and selecting the proper RF cable assembly. There is also a new products section.
Cable and Connector Guide to Accurate and Reliable Measurements
Exploring the latest developments in cables, connectors and testing forms the basis for the articles in this eBook. These articles will give the reader a good understanding of techniques, tips and best practices for measurement systems and the role cables and connectors play in the evolution of these systems. The first article deals solely with connectors. It offers connector fundamentals, along with five tips to optimize connector performance and ensure long-term reliability and repeatability. Some of the remaining articles address best practices and techniques for making accurate, repeatable measurements, characterizing uncertainty, improving calibration accuracy and speed and ensuring that your measurement system remains optimized. The rest of the articles discuss the critical role that cables play in measurement. They deal with requirements, theory and practical considerations involved with high-performance cable design and selection.
mmWave & OTA Measurements
This eBook offers a comprehensive overview of the challenges, techniques and solutions for OTA measurements in the mmWave frequency range. The first article is a tutorial on the basics of OTA testing for 5G NR mmWave radios, likely the single most significant contributor to the scale and growth of the mmWave market. The following two articles look at semiconductors in the sub-THz and THz bands that overlap or are adjacent to the mmWave band. The first describes measurement setups and techniques for on-wafer testing. The second of these two articles describes generating signals and measuring devices in the “THz gap” of 100 GHz to 1 THz, where signals transition from electrical to optical. The fourth article in the eBook is an application note that amplifies this theme with the motivation, test setups and test methods for mmWave signal generation and analysis. The fifth article introduces techniques for designing and optimizing a compact antenna range (CATR) for the best OTA temperature tests. The seventh article proposes a test system containing multiple CATRs to enable OTA measurement of multiple angles of arrival. The sixth article and the final article are also application notes. The sixth article presents an overview of how to calculate a link budget for an OTA system and the final article presents an overview of the fundamentals of OTA power measurements.
Power Integrity Measurement Guide
In today’s high-performance electronic systems, power integrity (PI) has become a critical design and operational factor. With the increasing complexity of circuits, higher frequencies, and shrinking geometries, ensuring stable and clean power delivery across all components is essential. Unstable power supplies can result in signal integrity issues, degraded performance, or even system failure.
This eBook aims to serve as a resource for engineers, designers, and technical professionals looking to understand and improve power integrity in their systems by covering some new topics in this area. The articles cover interconnect requirements for power integrity testing, measuring high output voltage regulator noise, advanced power integrity measurement solutions, why measuring only board-level power rail noise may be misleading, and solving PI problems in FPGA systems.
EMI Testing and Amplifiers Guide
With the rapid growth of electronic devices and wireless communication systems, the potential for unwanted electromagnetic signals has increased dramatically. These signals can disrupt the performance of devices, degrade signal integrity, and even cause catastrophic system failures. Whether you are a seasoned engineer or someone new to the field, understanding EMI testing and how amplifiers are used in EMI testing is essential for creating reliable and compliant electronic systems. Amplifiers play a critical role in EMI testing. They are used to boost signals, enabling testers to measure emissions and susceptibility with greater accuracy. In this guide, you will find practical articles on new EMI testing techniques and amplifier selection for test setups.
Understanding and Measuring Phase Noise
Most every wireless and wireline communication network, along with radar systems uses a digital modulation scheme that is susceptible to noise and jitter. Many systems still use a heterodyne architecture that converts the digital signal to a higher-frequency analog signal. This architecture relies on a mixer to create these higher frequencies. Noise from any component that reaches the mixer can be re-mixed and this reduces the sensitivity and selectivity of the entire system as re-mixed signals leak into adjacent channels. Phase noise is a big contributor to this potential issue.
This eBook provides an overview of phase noise mechanisms, causes and effects, along with insights into how to calculate, measure and design to minimize phase noise. The first article discusses the basics, along with how high-precision quartz oscillators benefit applications. The second article provides an analysis of the causal effects of phase noise in radar and satellite communications. Article three is an application note that provides a thorough analysis of how to measure two-port residual phase noise. The final two articles address design and testing challenges to minimize phase noise in millimeter wave components.
Cables & Connectors Special Focus
The March 2024 Cable and Connector Special Focus section contains several articles covering the RF connector market for basestations, the growing challenge of counterfeit cables, and technology innovations. There are also product articles including SMP-MAX and 65 GHz adapters plus a new products section covering products from various companies. Don’t miss this eBook covering the latest innovations in cable and connector technology.
Identifying and Solving EMC/EMI Problems
The need to address EMC/EMI problems has never been more pressing. As electronic devices become smaller, faster, and more powerful, the potential for interference grows exponentially. It's no longer sufficient to simply design and build electronic systems without considering their EMC/EMI characteristics. Engineers, designers, and technicians must proactively identify and mitigate these issues to ensure that their products meet regulatory standards, perform reliably, and avoid costly setbacks. This eBook provides an understanding of the underlying principles, practical methodologies, and advanced techniques for dealing with EMC/EMI challenges. It is designed for both newcomers seeking a foundational knowledge of the subject and experienced professionals looking to deepen their expertise.
Applications, Challenges and Solutions for EMC Testing
This eBook addresses some of the challenges of EMC testing in a variety of applications, with the first article addressing a method to speed up testing to improve throughput. The second article addresses some of the specific EMC challenges and solutions unique to e-mobility applications and the third article addresses the benefits of pre-compliance EMC testing. The final three articles in this eBook show how products and test methods from AR can help provide solutions. We hope that this eBook gives you a good overview of the importance of EMC testing along with some of the associated challenges.
Cables and Connectors Special Focus
The Cables & Connectors Special Focus section from the March Test & Measurement issue has been made into this eBook with articles covering the RF SMP board to board connector market review and RF interconnect requirements for high performance quantum computing technologies. There are also product feature articles and a new products section with the latest solutions for high frequency applications.
New Trends in EMC Testing
This eBook contains five articles describing aspects of EMC testing, which is the means used to validate EMC among the near infinite possibility of co-located systems. The first article reviews the characteristics of mmWave propagation, how mmWave signals are generated, their applications and the measurement challenges when identifying and characterizing potential interferers. The next addresses one of the core challenges faced by companies offering EMC testing: long test times reduce the availability of the test facility and limit the number of devices that can be certified, reducing testing revenue. The article describes an approach to accelerate testing without reducing the accuracy of the measurement, known as time domain scanning. An application note from AR covers the important factors when selecting a power amplifier for EMC testing, including the type of amplifier for the required power level (e.g., solid-state or tube), modulation capabilities and other requirements such as linearity and the ability to withstand mismatches. The next article assesses the ROI from establishing an in-house EMC test capability using representative costs. The final article presents the rationale and benefits for multi-tone testing. Read this eBook to learn more about these topics.
VNA Measurement Challenges and Solutions for Evolving Applications
This eBook covers some of the new advancements in VNA technology that are enabling new applications to use VNAs for characterization. The first article looks at a modular VNA architecture that presents a new alternative for S-parameter measurements by eliminating long cable runs and simplifying the test setup. The next article examines some popular choices for de-embedding techniques and experimentally looks at performance in some WR5 fixtures from 140 to 220 GHz. The third article reviews the importance of accurate dielectric constant measurement on laminate PCB materials for mmWave applications, most of which are done with a VNA. Increasingly, broadband mmWave VNA measurements are needed at higher frequencies, creating measurement challenges so the last article covers an integrated 70 kHz to 220 GHz VNA with a single connection to the DUT. Learn about all of these topics in this eBook.
New Trends in RF Signal Generation
This eBook from Wireless Telecom Group explores these T&M trends, beginning with a tutorial on signal generation written by Boonton. An article by CommAgility illustrates the use of T&M for simulation, in this case a satellite link being developed to support 4G/5G communications. The next two articles address phase noise, describing the development of low phase noise synthesizers. The first reports on the collaboration between Drexel University and Synergy Microwave to develop sources using optoelectronic loops. The second article, contributed by Analog Devices, assesses several synthesizer architectures, concluding a fully integrated translation loop will achieve the lowest phase noise. The concluding article, from Epirus, describes the state of high power solid-state technology and its potential use in new EMP systems. This eBook represents some of the latest technology in signal generation.
The Latest in mmWave and THz Test and Measurement Technology
This eBook is a collection of articles on the various innovations in measurement methods and equipment that has been developed to address these higher frequencies ranging from mmWave up to 1.1 THz. The articles address both on wafer level device measurements and components in these frequency ranges. The collection of articles covers the accuracy and reliability of these measurements along with various test techniques. Several articles cover new VNA instruments operating up to 220 GHz (without frequency extenders) and load pull measurements up to 1.1 THz. Read this eBook now to find out about these latest developments.
5G OTA Testing Guide
5G mmWave frequencies have required a new way of testing using over-the-air (OTA) measurements. The first article is an in-depth look at the fundamentals of 5G OTA testing, overview of key antenna measurement parameters, test methods and test setup, along with 3GPP OTA testing for UEs along with the relevant transmitter and receiver test considerations. The remaining articles discuss recent advances in 5G OTA testing ranging from test methods to new chambers and calibration methods. The first article in this group addresses significant test time reduction and equipment utilization in 5G RF production testing through strongly parallelized testing of the 3GPP specifications, improving speed by a factor of 10. The next article reviews the design of a novel multiple compact antenna test range system for multiple angles of arrival measurement of 5G mmWave devices. The virtual cable calibration method is described and demonstrated in the next article that provides a systematic approach with fast convergence to determine the precoding calibration matrix parameters. The last article discusses the future with bringing full-wave numerical modeling and antenna measurements together and presents a way to converge both worlds in an optimal cost-benefit technique moving toward augmented OTA.
Please note: By downloading this eBook, your contact information will be shared with the sponsoring company, Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co.KG and the Rohde & Schwarz entity or subsidiary company mentioned in the imprint of, and you may be contacted by them directly via email or phone for marketing or advertising purposes.
Overcoming 5G Test Challenges
There really is not a home for articles dealing with the challenges of the highest volume chips and their testing for high volume ATE. To serve this market, ATE companies, like industry microwave/millimeter wave instrument leader Teradyne, have developed instrumentation with features that create stability and repeatability at very high channel counts with reduced user complexity. But for this eBook, we did pull together some of the “best of MWJ articles” that talk about similar issues for you to whet your appetite including:
- Navigating the 5G NR Standards, by Sheri DeTomasi, Keysight Technologies
- Challenges for Effective and Realistic 5G OTA Testing, by Miguel Á. García-Fernández, EMITE Ingeniería S.L. and David A. Sánchez-Hernández, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
- Significant Test Time Reduction and Equipment Utilization in 5G RF Production Testing, by Sascha Laumann, Rohde & Schwarz
- The Phase Noise Challenge Pacing the Race to 5G, by Bill Linstrom, Ron Parrott and Allen Sweet, VIDA Products
- Evaluating PCB Plated Through Holes for 5G Applications, by John Coonrod, Rogers Corp.
Making Accurate 5G mmWave Measurements Guide
This eBook takes a look at new measurement tools, connectors and components that will help in modernizing your measurements for accurate higher frequency characterization. After an overview of mmWave markets and challenges for EMC, the following articles cover accurate VNA measurements made when the DUT needs to be far from the instrument like a far-field antenna, vehicle or propagation measurement. The next article surveys waveguide antennas for mmWave use so that you can understand the basic performance of waveguide antennas when choosing an antenna for a mmWave system or test setup. Then a traceable K connector for measurements to 43.5 GHz is described. The last article is about 110 GHz coaxial components for the mmWave market, including bias tees, DC blocks and directional couplers. These components are metrology-grade, with excellent electrical and environmental performance, designed to be used with any measurement equipment that provides coverage to 110 GHz. Learn how to modernize your measurement and testing systems to accurately support higher frequency measurements.
Oscilloscope Measurement Applications Guide
This eBook covers the design considerations for PCB laminate circuits and how to take these issues into account when designing for mmWave applications. Dielectric constant is a key material parameter that can vary due to temperature changes, within a substrate material due to the construction material, or over frequency. Dissipation factor is another key parameter that can affect the losses in a circuit and become very significant at mmWave frequencies. Metal surface roughness is another important consideration that can increase signal loss that is not significant at lower frequencies. The woven glass within the circuit material also causes changes in dielectric constant that can affect mmWave signals differently depending on the direction of the metal transmission lines. In addition, datasheets might not provide all of the information you need to simulate a circuit accurately.
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End-To-End 5G Test Solutions
This eBook covers almost everything you need to know about testing and verification for 5G from devices to systems from an RF perspective. Rohde & Schwarz authored most of these informational articles with Microwave Journal plus an additional article from Maury on load pull. The articles discuss important features of 5G such as spectral and energy efficiency along with Dynamic Spectrum Sharing; specific test solutions such as drone testing of 5G systems and on wafer load pull measurements at mmWave frequencies; testing and digital optimization for Doherty power amplifiers; and 5G test systems including a one box solution and hardware/software for 5G OTA testing.
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Signal Integrity Tips and VNA Measurements
Signal integrity is becoming more and more important as digital signal speeds and analog frequencies are rapidly increasing making circuits much more sensitive to any losses or variations in the path. This eBook provides information and instruction on making accurate signal integrity measurements with emphasis on the VNA as a tool. The articles cover TDR, VNA measurements, impedance measurements, uncertainly in S-parameter measurements and development of a 1.35mm connector for E-Band cable assemblies.
Oscilloscope Measurement Guide
This eBook looks at some key applications where oscilloscopes are best suited to make the key measurements to evaluate your designs. The first article examines practical printed circuit board design and manufacture to reduce noise by comparing two simple circuits and the resulting difference in their performance. The next article looks at triggering on radar RF pulses with an oscilloscope. And another article follows covering demodulating radar RF pulses with an oscilloscope. Then the eBook shares some tips about how to successfully perform low noise, sub-milliOhm measurements in very small circuits, followed by making power integrity measurements with R&S®RTP oscilloscopes. The last article is about how Rohde & Schwarz has expanded its high-performance R&S RTP oscilloscope family in terms of both bandwidth, and functions for debugging and analysis.
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Development and Test of New Automotive Radar Technologies
This eBook is intended to help designers develop and test new radar sensor technologies as we have collected some of the latest articles in this area for this publication. The articles include a market overview, review of a new digital code modulation MIMO radar technology, a highly integrated 140 GHz FMCW radar for vital sign monitoring and gesture recognition applications, and several articles from test expert Rohde & Schwarz about measurement techniques for radar systems including optimizing beamforming from bits to RF beams, measurement of radar pulse stability and advanced methods for analyzing ultra-wide automotive radar signals.
Wideband Amplifier Design and Test Guide for 5G
New satellite and military communications systems plus 5G cellular communications will require much larger bandwidth signals in the hundreds of MHz versus current systems using tens of MHz of bandwidth, so new semiconductor amplifier designs need to support these wider bandwidth signals. However, designing and testing these types of devices is challenging. This eBook addresses some of the design and test challenges plus provides some solutions for wider bandwidth amplifier design and test giving RF/microwave designers better insight in this area.
Oscilloscope Measurements Guide
This is the first co-contributed eBook with articles from both Microwave Journal and Signal Integrity Journal as the versatile oscilloscope is used for measurements for wireless and high-speed circuits. This eBook covers how phase-locked loops enable many applications and simplify calibration with phase resynchronization & phase adjustment, an easy and simple way to measure the bandwidth of a scope-probe system, tackling power distribution network issues, accurate & fast power integrity measurements, avoiding artifacts when measuring switch-mode power supplies, PAM4 measurements & challenges, and ground bounce & how to accurately measure & avoid it.
Please note: By downloading this eBook, your contact information will be shared with the sponsoring company, Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co.KG and the Rohde & Schwarz entity or subsidiary company mentioned in the imprint of, and you may be contacted by them directly via email or phone for marketing or advertising purposes.
5G Over the Air Testing (OTA) Challenges and Solutions
This eBook starts out with a couple of general articles about 5G testing challenges and a 5G NR standards overview. The third article describes how software and hardware near-field transformations for 5G OTA Testing are meeting the challenges for testing both sub 6 GHz and mmWave frequencies. The next article provides an overview of the various test methods including the advantages and disadvantages of the methods. Then it summarizes some of the solutions available from 9 leading test and measurement companies in this field. Finally, MVG reviews their mmWave OTA test system that provides proof of concept for measuring 5G beamforming. Read this eBook to learn about the challenges and solutions for 5G OTA testing.
New Trends in Software Defined Spectrum Analysis
This eBook covers many of the new software defined radio configurations and challenges being addressed by this new technology. Networked Spectrum Analyzers with GPS are discussed by ThinkRF followed by an article on Optimizing Digital Receivers for Signal Monitoring Platforms. Other articles cover Automating Microwave Measurements with Software Defined Synthetic Instrumentation, design aspects of developing software defined radio with next generation signal partitioning, and DARPA’s Colosseum which is the world’s largest test bed developed to date for evaluating software defined radios.
5G RF Front End Design and Measurement
This eBook provides designers with the basics of measurement and design techniques being used to achieve high performance designs for 5G RF front ends. These articles are written by industry experts from leading companies as educational pieces with design examples and measurement methods to provide the latest information about 5G RF design.
Advances in Radar, Test and Integration
Strategy Analytics stated that current technology advancements in the areas of Doppler processing, dual-polarization, electronic digital beamforming, solid-state transceivers, pulsed-compression, direct digital data conversion, signal processing algorithms, 3-D displays and data analytics are adding impetus to radar spending globally through both upgrades on existing systems as well as new radar procurements. This eBook collection of articles provides an overview of many of these trends and technology advancements including design tradeoffs, new architectures, new simulation and testing techniques and more.
Semiconductor Test Tips and Tricks
The semiconductor test market is undergoing tremendous pressure to reduce the cost of test and improve ROI as margins on low cost devices for applications such as IoT and memory decrease. In order to assist semiconductor test customers with educational articles on these and other related topics, this eBook covers some of the challenges test and measurement engineers are facing today.
Precision Antenna Measurement Guide
This eBook provides in-depth articles covering precision antenna measurement topics including anechoic chamber design and optimization, automated antenna measurement using a VNA, and antenna connection techniques for accurate testing of small antennas.
The Rise of 5G - mmWave Moves Forward
This eBook brings together several recent articles from Microwave Journal covering mmWave radios for communications, 5G mmWave applications, mmWave propagation measurements, automotive radar issues and mmWave gesture control of IoT devices. These articles take an in-depth look at each area including measured data and examples. The mmWave revolution has begun!