Anritsu Co. introduces the ME7848A Opto-electronic Network Analyzer (ONA) system, a flexible solution integrating the VectorStar® vector network analyzer (VNA) with an O/E calibration detector and E/O converters that conducts cost-effective E/O, O/E and O/O measurements on optical devices operating at 850, 1310 and 1550 nm. Incorporating a modular approach, the ME7848A provides engineers with an unprecedented level of flexibility and the ability to customize the system with their own devices to meet specific test requirements, for significant time and cost benefits.
The ME7848A modular system provides engineers with the ability to design optimal opto-electronic solutions and speed time-to-market by improving first-time yields. In addition to the VectorStar VNA operating up to 40 and 70 GHz, the solution consists of the MN4765B O/E calibration module detector and MN4775A E/O modulator. Because the system is modular, the E/O modulator can be added when necessary, for added cost efficiency.
The system can be adapted for different wavelengths with the addition of the appropriate O/E calibration module or E/O converter. The VNA can be reconfigured for different wavelengths through calibration with the MN4765B, eliminating the need for additional VNAs to accommodate various wavelengths.
Offering a traceable path with excellent performance specifications, the ME7848A ONA is well-suited for R&D and production of opto-electronic components used in optical network data transfer systems. The system capabilities allows engineers to quickly identify measurement parameters and component performance for a high degree of confidence in their designs.