Microwave Antenna Measurements Short Course
* Topics: Design, use and evaluation of anechoic chambers, far-field, near-field and compact ranges, techniques for the determination of antenna radiation patterns, directivity, gain, polarization and impedance, phased array testing and alignment, radar cross-section measurements, and radar imaging techniques.
* Site: Northridge, CA
* Dates: June 1215, 2001
* Contact: Shirley Lang, College of Engineering and Computer Science, California State University, Northridge CA (818) 677-2146, fax (818) 677-5982 or e-mail: shirley.lang@csun.edu.
Flip Chip Technology Workshop
* Topics: Recent advances in flip chip technology as well as implementation issues. In addition, the latest products and services will also be on display.
* Site: Austin, TX
* Dates: June 1820, 2001
* Contact: IMAPS, 611 2nd St., NE, Washington DC 20002 (703) 758-1060, fax (703) 758-1066 or e-mail: IMAPS@imaps.org.
Frequency Synthesis and Phase-locked Loop Design
* Topics: Theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to design frequency synthesis circuits and systems using phase-locked loops and related technologies.
* Site: Mountain View, CA
* Dates: June 2526, 2001
* Contact: Besser Associates, 201 San Antonio Circle, Bldg. E, Suite 280, Mountain View, CA 94040 (650) 949-3300, fax (650) 949-4400 or e-mail: info@bessercourse.com.
RF CMOS Design
* Topics: Strategies and techniques for developing CMOS receiver designs, with a heavy emphasis on process requirements, isolation and integration.
* Site: Mountain View, CA
* Dates: June 2829, 2001
* Contact: Besser Associates, 201 San Antonio Circle, Bldg. E, Suite 280, Mountain View, CA 94040 (650) 949-3300, fax (650) 949-4400 or e-mail: info@bessercourse.com.
RF & Microwave Fundamentals
* Topics: Understand the principles of RF/microwave engineering, undertake RF measurements using power meters, spectrum analyzers and network analyzers. Introduction to noise figure and phase noise. Includes practical lab sessions.
* Site: Winnersh, UK
* Dates: August 2931, 2001
* Contact: Tracey Bull, Agilent Technologies +44 118 927 6741, fax +44 118 927 6862 or e-mail: tracey_bull@agilent.com.
RF Power Amplifiers, Classes A through S
* Topics: A detailed explanation of the various classes of RF power amplifiers and where each class is used in today's wireless designs. Classes A through S are defined and clearly explained. Fee: $800
* Site: Lake George, NY
* Dates: September 2728, 2001
* Contact: R.A. Wood Associates, 1001 Broad St., Suite 450, Utica, NY 13501 (315) 735-4217, fax (315) 735-4328 or e-mail: RAWood@rawood.com.
Optoelectronics Advanced Technology Workshop
* Topics: Optoelectonics packaging, alignment, bonding and interconnect issues, signal routing and integration, optoelectronics case studies and applications, standardization issues and needs.
* Site: Bethlehem, PA
* Dates: October 1114, 2001
* Contact: IMAPS, 611 2nd St., NE, Washington, DC 20002 (703) 758-1060 or e-mail: IMAPS@imaps.org.
W-CDMA and UMTS Systems Operation and Technology
* Topics: A clear, comprehensive presentation from the system introduction through to W-CDMA and UMTS standards, emphasizing the system issues.
* Site: Research Triangle Park, NC
* Dates: October 1719, 2001
* Contact: Anita Hellstrom, Organizational Effectiveness Institute (800) 683-7267, fax (301) 871-4942 or e-mail: Anita.Hellstrom@oei-edu.com. Additional information is available at www.oei-edu.com.