API Weinschel’s new 4209 series of solid-state programmable attenuators covers 0.1 to 40 GHz with an attenuation range of 31.5 dB in 0.5 dB steps, controlled using a parallel (TTL compatible), I2C, SPI, UART or USB interface. Also included is API’s LabVIEW-based USB Control Center software. The nominal insertion loss at zero attenuation is 1.7 dB up to 6 GHz, increasing to 7 dB above 40 GHz, which is industry-leading performance.
The 4209 digital attenuator has extremely fast RF switching times: 35 ns rise and fall, from 10 to 90 percent (or 90 to 10 percent) of the RF signal. The switching time from the midpoint of the control signal to the 90 percent point of the RF signal is typically 5 μs. When changing attenuation values, the RF path is uninterrupted, which is an important requirement for many systems.
VSWR is less than 1.7:1 over the entire 40 GHz frequency range. Maximum input power handling is 28 dBm. The attenuator is typically biased with a 3.3 to 5 V supply and draws 15 mA. The operating temperature range is −20°C to +85°C.
The 4209 digital attenuator promises excellent repeatability and long-term reliability, making it well-suited for production test systems, simulators for telecommunications and military systems and engineering labs. Extending the series, a
63 dB version of the attenuator is being developed.
API Technologies-Weinschel Frederick, Md.