DIY Vector Network Analyzer Kit

Mini-Circuits & Vayyar Imaging

The first of the University Project kits, UVNA-63, includes all the elements students need to build a fully functioning vector network analyzer, develop S-parameter algorithms and perform real-time measurements of 2-port RF devices. The kit comprises Vayyar’s high performance transceiver chip with a variety of RF components from Mini-Circuits along with control software, and a development environment for Python and MATLAB®. The project addresses a gap in most RF curricula between classroom theory and the sophisticated equipment engineers use in the lab to perform complex measurements with the push of a button. 

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Coffee Can Radar
Coffee Can Radar Course

MIT Open Courseware

Build a Small Radar System Capable of Sensing Range, Doppler, and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging while learning about the various components needed to assemble and program this coffee can radar system.

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Modelithics EXEMPLAR Library


Modelithics ExemplarModelithics has developed the Modelithics University Program for university faculty and faculty-supervised students for use in academic projects and course-work. With approval, university faculty members and faculty-supervised students would gain access to the Modelithics EXEMPLAR Library for FREE for one year. Modelithics models offer scalability by substrate, part value, pad size, temperature, and other characteristics. The models are engineered to simulate typical device response including related parasitics. The EXEMPLAR Library includes many example projects, including design projects for: Part Value Tuning, Part Value Optimization, Statistical Analysis, Amplifier Model Simulations, Transformer Simulations, 2-Tone Intermodulation, Load Pull Simulations and many more! Available for use with Keysight Technologies’ PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS), AWR Design Environment/ Microwave Office™, Keysight Technologies’ PathWave RF Synthesis (Genesys), and Ansys® HFSS™. 

Learn more about the Modelithics University Program.

TMYTEK kitFirst Beamforming Solution - Developers Kit

TMY Technology

The 5G mmWave Developer Kit can be used for a variety of 5G mmWave beamforming research and development projects. BBoard with AAkit and PLO can a beam generator that emits beams at mutilple angles. A COCO antenna with a amplifier and a power detector, on the other hand, can receive and detect signals.

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