RFMW Ltd. announces design and sales support for an ultra-low-noise, bypass LNA gain block. The Qorvo QPL9096 spans 1700 to 2700 MHz for wireless infrastructure applications. The integrated bypass function offers high linearity in bypass mode. At 2.5 GHz, the amplifier typically provides 25 dB gain, +33.5 dBm OIP3, and 0.75 dB noise figure while drawing 60 mA current from a +4.2 V supply.
The QPL9096 is internally matched and only requires four external components for operation from a single positive supply: an external RF choke and blocking/bypass capacitors. Internal active bias maintains high performance over temperature.
Offered in a 2 x 2 mm DFN package.
For more in-depth information on this product visit our website at: http://www.rfmw.com
Bypass LNA Gain Block: QPL9096