Indium Corporation has published 35 technical articles, 24 blog posts and 14 videos to help members of the global electronics assembly industry solve voiding challenges.
“Voiding is one of the most prevalent challenges facing electronics manufacturers today,” said Christopher Bastecki, associate director of Electronics Assembly Materials. “Indium Corporation has spent years conducting extensive testing on materials and procedures to reduce voiding levels. As a result, we provide one of the most extensive libraries in the industry on this subject.”
The following technical articles are available at
- A Model Study of Profiling for Voiding Control at Lead-Free Reflow Soldering
- Best Practices Reflow Profiling for Lead-Free SMT Assembly
- Effect of Lead-Free Alloys on Voiding at Microvia
- High-Density Assembly and Root Cause Analyses
- High-Reliability No-Clean Solder Paste for Designs Where Flux Cannot be Dried
- High-Reliability, High-Melting, Mixed Lead-Free BiAgX® Solder Paste System
- How Stencil Design and Reflow Profiles Affect Variation in QFN Voiding
- How to Reduce Voiding in Components with Large Pads
- Influence of Reflow Profile and Pb-Free Solder Paste in Minimizing Voids for Quad Flat-Pack No-Lead (QFN) Assembly
- Minimizing Voiding in QFN Packages Using Solder Preforms
- Minimizing Voiding in SMT Assembly of BTCs
- New Developments in High-Performance Solder Products for Power Die Assemblies
- Optimizing Assembly of QFNs
- Process and Solder Paste Considerations for BGA and QFN Voiding in a Tin-Lead Mixed System
- QFN Voiding Control Via Solder Mask Patterning on Thermal Pads
- Reflow Soldering: Meeting the SMT Challenge
- Reliability Challenges for Bottom Termination Components
- Reliability of BiAgX® Solder as a Drop-In Solution for High-Temperature Lead-Free Die-Attach Applications
- Sealing the Gap of Solder Paste Technology in Lead-Free Halogen-Free Era
- The Benefits of Flux-Coated Solder Preforms in a QFN Assembly Process
- The Effect of Thermal Pad Patterning on QFN Voiding
- The Versatile Preform
- Thermal Pad Design and Process for Voiding Control at QFN Assembly
- Ultra-Low Voiding, Halogen-Free, No-Clean, Lead-Free Solder Paste for Large Pads
- Voiding and Reliability of Assembly of BGA with SAC and 57Bi/42Sn/1Ag Alloys
- Voiding and Reliability of BGA Assemblies with SAC and BiSnAg Alloys
- Voiding Behavior in Mixed Solder Alloy Systems
- Voiding Control Beneath BTCs Using Solder Fortification® Preforms
- Voiding Control for QFN Assembly
- Voiding in BGA at Solder Bumping Stage
- Voiding Mechanism and Control in Mixed Solder Alloy Systems
- Voiding Mechanism in BGA Assembly
- Voiding Mechanisms in SMT
- Voiding of Pb-Free Soldering at Microvia
- Voiding Reduction in BTC with Improved Flux Coating