Microwave engineers at RCL Microwave, Inc. in Apalachin, NY have executed their first successful test and dielectric measurement of a thin, flexible 200 micron thick glass material using novel measurement fixtures and methods capable of broadband dielectric material characterization.
The test was performed and successfully completed using unique broadband measurement fixtures and the phase difference method, which provides 10,000 data points from 1 MHz to 32 GHz. A 32 GHz broadband test fixture has been combined with the Phase Difference Dielectric Characterizarion Method to generate data across the entire frequency spectrum of interest. This eliminates the need to interpolate dielectric constants based on a small number of data points. These fixtures also allow the loss tangents of materials to be determined. The Phase Difference Dielectric Characterization Method combined with 32 GHz broadband measurement fixtures allows for precise characterization of materials ranging from approximately 100 microns (~0.004 in) to 1,000 microns (~0.030 in) in thickness for a wide range of dielectric constants and loss tangents.
For more information about the thin, flexible, 200 micron glass please contact us at 1-877-387-6125 or email Ryan@RCLMicrowave.com or Bryce@RCLMicrowave.com. A white paper on the Phase Difference Dielectric Test Method is also available at www.RCLMicrowave.com/whitepapers.