Copper Mountain Technologies (CMT) and Farran Technology Ltd. (FTL) have worked together to create CobaltFx, an entirely new piece of technology for millimeter-wave S-parameter measurements that establishes lab quality results in a more compact and significantly more affordable solution. The system is the first millimeter-wave frequency extension solution built on a 9 GHz vector network analyzer (VNA) and is available in three dedicated waveguide bands: 50 to 75 GHz, 60 to 90 GHz and 75 to 110 GHz.  Visitors to the International Microwave Symposium can see CobaltFx in action at CMT’s booth #423 and FTL’s booth #345. 
The system is anchored by a 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer from Copper Mountain Technologies Cobalt Series. It features fast sweep speeds down to 10 microseconds per point and a dynamic range of up to 162 dB, all comprised in a compact USB form factor. C4209 works seamlessly and exclusively with Farran Technology’s millimeter-wave FEV frequency extenders. 
“The high performance of CMT’s Cobalt Series is what made using a 9 GHz VNA, as opposed to the usual 20 GHz VNA, possible.” said Tom Scanlon, director of marketing and sales at Farran Technology Ltd.
The extenders are packaged in small and versatile enclosures that allow for flexible port arrangements with respect to the waveguide. Waveguide ports are manufactured in accordance to the new IEEE 1785-2a standard and ensure industry best alignment and repeatability of connection, allowing for long interval times between calibration. 
“Farran Technology is similar to CMT in its effort to create innovative and valuable test and measurement solutions for RF and microwave engineers in any industry. Without their expertise in millimeter-wave frequency extension CobaltFx wouldn’t be the exciting solution it is today.” said Alex Goloschokin, managing director at Copper Mountain Technologies.
Utilizing a lab-quality yet low cost 9 GHz USB VNA and other innovations in the extension modules make CobaltFx more compact and significantly less expensive; about half that of existing solutions in the same frequency range. The size and flexibility of the waveguide ports allow for significant improvements in portability and the lab-quality measurements make it ideal for many burgeoning RF industries like 5G applications, WiGig at 60 GHz, Backhaul at 70 and 80 GHz and automotive radar and sensor testing.
 Visit or call +1.317.222.5400 to learn more.  Visit or call + 353 21 484 9170 to learn more.