ViaSat Inc., a global broadband services and technology company, announced it entered into a new technical agreement withThe Boeing Company. The agreement initiates the evaluation process for airlines to specify installation of the ViaSat in-flight Wi-Fi® connectivity system on Boeing Commercial airplanes.

ViaSat offers the fastest in-flight internet speeds - typically 8 to 10 times faster - than any other in-flight Wi-Fi system available today. Under the terms of this new agreement, ViaSat's Ka-band airborne satellite terminal will be evaluated as a factory option for Boeing aircraft prior to delivery, enabling airplanes to come off the line with ViaSat connectivity ready for immediate service. This would allow airlines to avoid costly down-time involved with taking planes out of service for post-production retrofits and ensures that from day one, each passenger and flight crew member gets a best-in-class in-flight internet experience with the industry's only service level agreement, regardless of how many devices are connected on the plane or how many planes are on the network.