Wideband Noise Generator
The model TAS 430 wideband noise generator generates precise, user-programmed levels of additive white Gaussian noise, meeting the test requirements for a wide range of wireless communication applications, including cellular and PCS, WLL, WLAN, cordless telephone and satellite communications. The unit features easy-to-use front-panel controls, flash-based calibration constants, repeatable test conditions, dynamic level variation capability and IEEE 488.2 control interface. Price: $13,950. Delivery: four to six weeks.
Telecom Analysis Systems Inc. (TAS),
Eatontown, NJ
(732) 544-8700.

Surface-mount RF Power Meters
The 4230A series RF power meters feature advanced surface-mount technology and a front-end microprocessor, making the units fast and accurate. The power meters can sample up to 200 readings per second, making them suitable for stand-alone applications and automatic test equipment systems. The dual-channel model 4232A measures power from -70 to +44 dBm, operates from 10 kHz to 100 GHz and features the company's sensor data adapter, which eliminates the need to re-enter calibration data if a sensor is changed. The power meter can measure signals over 90 dB dynamic range using a single sensor, and features a user-friendly front panel that simplifies measurement acquisition and analysis. Prices: $2650 for the single-channel model 4231A and $3550 for the dual-channel model 4232A.
Boonton Electronics Corp.,
Parsippany, NJ
(973) 386-9696.

Two-port Coax Platform
The model 1500T HiTemp™ series two-port coax platform is designed to measure complex m and e of solids up to 400°F. The unit features a clam shell sample holder with heating elements and air-cooled ports and is equipped with calibration standards, temperature readout and display, and power supply. The MU-EPSLN software package performs the instrument control of the analyzer and processes the measured data.
Damaskos Inc.,
Concordville, PA
(610) 358-0200.

RF/Microwave Probes
The model HI-4455 electric field probe and model HI-4457 magnetic field probe (part of the company's HI-4000 series) are designed to protect against RF and microwave radiation. The magnetic probe provides magnetic field detection and measurement between 10 MHz and 1 GHz. The electric probe provides electrical field detection and measurement between 200 kHz and 40 GHz.
Holaday Industries,
Eden Prairie, MN
(612) 934-4920.

DC - 40 GHz Microwave Wafer Probes
The HPC40 series high performance characterization wafer probes cover the frequency range from DC to 40 GHz in pitch widths of 100 and 150 mm. The design incorporates a precision coaxial-to-coplanar waveguide adapter that minimizes crosstalk and suppresses unwanted modes while maintaining low insertion loss and SWR. The units feature smaller, highly visible tips to enable accurate probe placement. These small contacts allow device engineers to shrink pads to 50 mm, reducing extrinsic circuit parasitics. Coupled with an insertion loss of 0.65 dB and return loss of 20 dB, the probes are suitable for on-wafer device S parameters, noise parameters and load pull measurements. The BeCu ground-signal-ground tips are optimized for GaAs wafer probing. Price: $795. Delivery: four weeks (ARO).
Cascade Microtech Inc.,
Beaverton, OR
(503) 626-8245.

DC - 900 MHz, 4 x 8 Coaxial Blocking Matrix
The model 10081A VXIbus-compatible 4 x 8 coaxial matrix is a C-sized message-based unit that operates over the frequency range of DC to 900 MHz. The matrix can easily interface between the UUT and various test equipment installed in the same VXIbus enclosure. Its VXIbus compatibility also ensures mechanical and electrical plug-in installation to existing VXIbus automatic test equipment systems. The matrix features SMA connectors and four seven-segment displays that indicate the status of all 32 crosspoints within the unit. Interlocking on the y-axis prevents connecting any two y-axis signal connectors together.
Matrix Systems Corp.,
Calabasas, CA
(818) 222-2301.

Low Current Probing Application Kit
This low current probing application kit contains details on setup, device and equipment connection, and troubleshooting of low current probing systems. In addition, the kit includes test data that describes how to identify equipment-related problems, printed information sheets and a hypertext tutorial.
The Micromanipulator Co.,
Carson City, NV
(800) 967-2426 or (702) 882-2400.